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Sunday 11 June 2017

Top 10 Steven Spielberg Films!

Hello there, how are you doing today? I hope the metallic nation is well.

Some films on this list have sequels or numerous sequels and of course i could put them in order on the list but i don't feel it's right and would rather include them as one film on the list just like what i did with Kill Bill on my Tarantino list. 

10) War of the Worlds - Not as good as the musical or audio series but it still has some great and tense scenes.War of the Worlds is a big, clunky movie containing some sensational sights but lacking the zest and joyous energy we expect from Steven Spielberg,even hostile invasions need a bit more character and plot development. 6/10.

9) A.I. Artificial Intelligence - Not seen this in years but from what i remember it has flaws but  its beautifully crafted, unimaginably complex, visually dazzling and deeply affecting. 7/10.

8) Jaws - Classic horror film that truly scared me for so many of my childhood years even the song scared me and my dad used to chase me around or scare me humming that song, scary times yo. I actually sat down and watched it in my late teens and you know seen or rather realised the shark is a rubber mechanical thing you know and that's when i lost my fear of Jaws films but still the song is scarily tense. 8/10. 

7) Catch Me If You Can - A great story here of a cat and mouse story based on real events which is tense and entertaining back and fore with Dicaprio and Hanks. 8/10.

6) The Terminal - Another great story here with Tom Hanks starring yet again, at first glance it may seem like a boring flick but its a very touching story which has you rooting for it's main character Viktor. 8/10. 

5) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial - A lovely film i have not seen in so many years must have been about 12 or something last time i seen this so forgive me for not going in depth about this. I remember being about 8 when i first seen it and yes E.T. is funny as hell as he is curious about us and our world as we the viewers were curious about him and he made us laugh so much when he was screaming in the dress and it was sad as hell when he "died" but touching and moving when he came back to make Elliot fly and to then be reunited with his people to finally go home. There's so much interesting backstory and continuation to be made from E.T. it's a shame we wont ever get it, perhaps we will with a reboot however. 8/10.

4) Hook - My fave take on Peter Pan. Dustin Hoffman i found out like a few years ago plays Captain Hook which blew my mind but i love Robin Williams and the whole take on an older Peter really enjoyable classic film. 8/10. 

3) Saving Private Ryan - A war classic. Incredibly powerful war action scenes in this movie really sets it apart from the other war films. Thanks to Hanks, and Spielberg's technical finesse, this develops into a powerful and potent portrayal of men at war, and those opening 20 minutes are worth the watch. 9/10.

2) Jurassic Park & The Lost World - Classic films here. Scary and tense scenes with the T-Rex and the Velociraptors.We ask for two things from big-budget thrillers like this: Make us believe and make us jump. Jurassic Park delivers on both counts and the practical effects is amazing in both films. Jurassic Park 9/10 & Lost World 7/10. 

1) Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark,Temple of Doom, Last Crusade & Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Seems mad or odd to include 4 films being number one even if one is kingdom of the crystal skull but for the sake of this list as i said i have put any films with sequels directed as one film number on the list. I love Indiana Jones, the characters, settings, actors, treasures, story everything about Indiana Jones films i love besides Crystal Skull it's not very good but it's still Indy. I have only ever seen two films in cinemas with both my parents and Indy and the kingdom of the crystal skull was the second we liked it. I mean yeah it is good but the aliens near the ending just ruins it. Moving on from Skull, Last Crusade is a highly entertaining film i love the screen time we have with Connery and Ford very funny and this film gets you quite emotional a few times and it was a sad when as a kid after watching the Indy trilogy that at the time Crusade was the last one and there was no news that there would be more, fast forward years later they revealed Kingdom was coming i got excited and felt like a kid again. Temple of doom is perhaps the darkest entry of the series even if the series has dark moments in each film the brainwashing of Indy was quite something and the whole Kali mah thing with the heart being pulled out still beating scared me as a kid, i could not believe it and i remember for a few days after it i would go to school and be covering my chest if people got too close or i'd do the Kali mah to them haha and also who does not love short round in the film? Now for the best in the series with Raiders, so many famous memorable scenes, arab swordsman, golden idol and the face melting opening of the ark. The face melting scene as a kid for years scared me and as i got older you know you realise it's just wax melting but god is it cool but creepy still. Indiana Jones made me want to become an archaeologist adventurer love to explore so many lost wonders of the world although i'd die going against the kinds of people indy dealt with haha. Raiders - Last Crusade 10/10 but Kingdom Of Crystal Skull 6/10. 

Now to list all the other films i have either seen or have yet to see....

Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Not seen the original, only the remake and the remake was crap. 

Bridge of Spies,Minority Report,Schindler's List and Empire of the Sun - Not seen these but i have wanted to see them and one day i shall. 

This list took me a good while to create and tough to list fully. So thank you for visiting my blog and reading my list. 

See you soon! 

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