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Thursday 23 March 2017

Top 10 Male Power Rangers!


What's up people? Today's list is first in a series of power ranger themed lists and this one pits the rangers against each other as they go toe to toe to let me decide on the 10 best male power rangers. This list was originally going to be top 10 power rangers but then i realised i left the women out of the list and so i decided to do a list of Top 10 Female Power Rangers which will arrive tomorrow! 

RULES OF THE LIST: ONE RANGER PER SEASON! Those who can morph but do not have ranger in their name are not on the list. So people like Magna Defender yes Mike morphs into him but the Magna Defender is not with the last name of Ranger. Phantom Ranger wont be on this list either due to us not seeing him morph. ONLY ONE TOMMY RANGER COLOUR ALLOWED! 

So with all the rules and intro's out of the way....LET'S MORPH!

10: Titanium Ranger
Kicking off the list is Ryan, the first american Ranger to have no corresponding Super Sentai counterpart. Now for more fun facts about this ranger, due to him having no Sentai counterpart, Ryan appeared in very few episodes. Most of his scenes showed him unmorphed and looking for a way to stop Diabolico. Ryan is the first Earthling Silver Ranger, as Zhane came from KO-35. He has possibly the strongest endurance of any ranger as he endured a car accident as a child. He was raised by the demon Diabolico and finally he could handle the titanium morpher as it was said no human has the capacity to endure it as it was a temporary morpher after all this he became one hell of a ranger who did not appear much but when he did it made an impact. 

9: Super Megaforce Silver Ranger
With the power of all the special rangers and by special i mean the additional rangers added on to the team. This ranger is so unique his design is cool and can switch his helmet backwards much like the green ninja storm ranger and he can use his power up battle mode which see's him get a massive trident and armour which has the helmets of all the 6th rangers on, making him the most powerful ranger at this point. Being most powerful would normally grant you access to number one but i did not see much of Cameron the Silver Megaforce ranger to rank him too much further sadly.  

8: Jungle Fury Purple Wolf Ranger
A purple ranger is something i wanted for a while and we had it and this rangers design was awesome. Now before we go on i did not watch much of Jungle Fury or see much of this ranger but he was a really cool designed ranger and for that he is on the list. The Wolf Ranger is the first Jungle Fury Ranger named not by color but by the spirit he carries. He uses a variety of martial arts technique, most notably a stylized form of Muay Thai. His Ranger suit is radically different from the other Rangers and is specially designed with armor on the elbows and knees. He retains the Wolf Morpher when in suit and uses it as a blaster. With RJ also being the jungle fury team mentor you know he has a lot of experiance and is not to be taken lightly. 

7: Wild Force Luna Ranger
Merrick started life as protector of Princess Shayla and the crystal sabers, With little hope left, Merrick set out to find a legendary wolf mask which was said to give great powers and once he put it on he could not remove it and became the evil Zen-Aku he got imprisoned and awakened years later and faced off against the wild force team who broke Zen-Aku's mask and restored Merrick to himself. Merrick's weapon is one that is really unique. It's capable of switching between Saber Mode, Sniper Mode and Break Mode. With it, Merrick can perform the Full Moon Slash to devastate opponents. Merrick can also perform the Laser Pool technique to summon his Wildzords or finish off opponents by launching his Animal Crystals like billiard balls.

6: SPD Omega Ranger
Sam is one of the few Rangers to not have morphing sequence. He is a time traveller and went back in time to assist spd take down Grumm. His weapon of choice was another very unique one in which he used his morpher which has many modes to defeat the monsters with ease. The Omega Ranger's Morpher features a throttle control that gives him access to a variety of powers including: Electro Mode,Blast Mode,Power Mode,Muscle Mode,Hyper Mode,Light-beam Mode,Charged-Up Mode and finally Judgment Scanner. He also can change form into a ball of light although this might be a side effect of time travel and he can also move things with telepathy well he could as a kid and was not shown to have used this power as a grown up ranger so who know's but what a cool ranger he is. 

5: Ninja Storm Green
His design is really cool and can switch his helmet around and become more powerful with a new buff that gets rid of his armour. Cam is the second green ranger to be a sixth ranger, with the first being Tommy Oliver. Cam is the second green ranger to have a type of shield that he can also remove. Throughout the series, he used his brilliant intellect to construct power spheres, Zords and weapons for the Rangers to use in battle. For example, when his father was captured by the Thunder Rangers, Cam created a powerful force-field to protect his father. After the two Bradley brothers joined the team, it was Cam that discovered the mystery piece in their Megazord that would allow the Storm Megazord to combine with the Thunder Megazord. Cam is both smart and powerful and that's what get's him this spot on the list. 

4: Zeo Gold Ranger
The alien Trey of Triforia has 3 personalities wisdom,heart and courage was the first gold ranger who slowly lost control of his powers and then the powers were passed on to the OG red ranger Jason who made the ranger even more badass! Gold Ranger was a force to be reckoned with, his metallic-esque powers making him a step above any Ranger that came before him up to that point. His megazord was really MEGA by that i mean it was huge one of the biggest zords in history i would say of the power rangers. It's a gigantic transforming pyramid! 

3: In Space Red
Andros was the first battle armoured ranger and the ranger who killed Zordon. Andros the Red In Space Ranger is one of the most iconic rangers from the series history due to those feats and his character and story arc. A Ranger both in exile and on the run from his enemies, Andros brought some degree of substance and 3D-ness to the Red Ranger role, showing that not all Red Rangers took on such roles through their own want, but taking on the power simply because it has to be done. Spiral saber is a frickin amazing weapon too just saying. 

2: Dino Thunder White Ranger
A very powerful evil ranger who became good.....heard this before right? Oh look infact number 1 on this list is like this ranger. Badass looking costume and powers especially when the white ranger has gone to super dino mode. Trent may not have had a badass looking zord but it was his costume and his character and abilities and not only that but his weapon was amazing, he could swing it about in the air and make tons of golden arrows fly towards you and damage you. Who else in the series history has a dagger sword that can shoot arrows and have a red visor only this guy. The white dino ranger was also cloned at one point. So you know he was both a very intimidating ally and adversary. 

1: MMPR Green Ranger
Of course the ultimate badass of badassery is number one on this list! Tommy is the first power ranger to be introduced as a sixth ranger and evil to then turn good and Tommy is the longest serving ranger in tv series cannon. His powers of darkness almost destroyed the rangers via the influence of his empress Rita. Tommy was a great badass character morphed and unmorphed. This is his first and best incarnation as a ranger. Badass flute songs summoning a badass dragon zord COME ON! Tommy is the best power ranger hands down easy. He wrecked being evil and being good and you get it i know he is badass as hell and that is why he is numero uno. 

Ok that's it for today!


See you in the next list!

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