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Tuesday 28 March 2017

Power Rangers 2017 Review & Sequel Fan Casting

So Saban's Power Rangers 2017 movie is out in cinema's and it's a freaking amazing film!
*****Warning there will spoilers past this point*****

I loved the emotional attachment you get from each ranger and i will say it Billy was the best i thought. 

Power Rangers 2017 puts a modern twist on the nostalgia of the 90's mighty morphin phenomenon and makes it something new for old and new audience's to enjoy with the rating being 12A in the uk it's obvious not everything in the film is kid friendly but you know fans will love this darker take on the series and on the characters we all know and love from the 90s. 

The soundtrack is quite amazing too. 
Alpha is funny.  Zordon start's out being a selfish individual who later has a change in attitude and respect in his new ranger team. 

The reboot film is certainly one which will make everyone cheer and be like "omg yes" and have moments where you will want to cry. 

The film is not a masterpiece i have some points i'm not fussed on like Trini could have used a bit more character development as she is mostly seen and not heard for a chunk of it. 

Bulk and Skull character's were not in it either i believe which is not entirely world breaking because Bulk and Skull were more comic relief but there was a bully in the film and i am not sure if he was a combination of both characters but when the headbutt scene happened it was funny. 

Goldar sure if he was a lot more like he was in the tv series it would have been better but i did like him. The cameo's were wicked but i wish they said something more than took pictures. 

How the red ranger got a power sword was left unexplained so was the megazord forming but you know i am sure the deleted scenes or someone behind the scenes will fill us in. 

So i would give the film a Mighty 8/10. 

Now onto the second part of this blog fan casting and my wishlist for the sequel.

Lord Zedd!
Ok so he was going to be in this one as a little cameo ala getting skin burned off via zeo crystal but he did not make his appearance in the first one but the sequel come on ol radiator face has to appear in it. I would like him to be menacing and scary and not be entirely cgi either. I would love for him to be played by Willem Dafoe. His menacing portrayal of Green Goblin always sticks to mind when i think of menacing villains. 

Tommy Oliver!
Yes he was mentioned in the end credits. So he will be in the sequel no doubts BUT the cast and director have been saying they want a female green ranger BUT they had a female green ranger in the intro to the first movie and they can't just change Tommy to a girl now can they? I would be up for a evil green ranger to face the team as long as Tommy gets the coin is poisoned by it's powers maybe take it like a lord of the rings one ring deal so that it corrupts poisons peoples mind and Tommy is to be revealed as having a pure energy within him so the rangers take Tommy to the base and to Zordon and Alpha to heal of the corruption poisoning Tommy so the coin falls out of Tommy's pockets when the rangers take Tommy to the command centre and some girl finds the coin maybe Tommy's sister let's call her Tammy Oliver finds the coin and picks it up and then get's changed as there's an evil within her as she is a bully in school and she get's changed and becomes a ranger, the evil green ranger. Who goes around the town destroying and threatening people.The rangers get alerted and go confront her. Zordon and co think's Rita is back but it's not the case well not yet. So Tommy get's his white power ranger upgrade as the rangers are struggling to defeat Tammy the green ranger. The rangers get sent an upgrade by alpha who reveals the rangers all get their own special weapons and zordon reveals the only way to beat her is to use the combined powers and use the power blaster. The rangers use the power blaster to damage Tammy badly. The visor is broken and the rangers can see who it is clearly it's Tammy Oliver. The rangers having known who it is then back down refusing to fight her. Tammy say's "Oh so now you don't want to fight me?! Fine i will now kill you all with ease!" as Tammy sends a powerful wave of evil green energy to the rangers damaging them all but then a white light of energy is teleported down to protect the rangers from another wave of energy from Tammy. Tammy magics up a new visor to protect her from the bright white light that is before her eyes. A white ranger appears as the bright white light fades away. The rangers are wondering who this stranger is. Tammy say's: "Ooh a new challenger, you picked the wrong colours to wear because i'm about to make you red with your own blood!" Tammy in her green ranger form runs towards the White ranger with a sword of darkness whilst White ranger raises his hand to the sky to magically summon the sword of saba. The white ranger quickly slashes the rushing green ranger who then sparks and falls down on her knees, the white ranger goes infront of the green ranger. Tammy: "Well played you are quite a foe,now finish it." white ranger: "I refuse!" Green: "Where is your honor? Kill me! You have your chance, you have won the fight." White ranger: "I fight for justice and all that is good, i know there is good within you so i am granting you mercy in wish for you to have a second chance. You are a ranger and rangers are good so be one with us come see Zordon and he will make you pure again." Green start's laughing hysterically and says: "Zordon?! Is this his doing you all bend to his will? Pathetic! All of you! This world! Everything is below me and its all pathetic! I am the green ranger i am the most evil being on this planet and i will not yield to such pathetic beings!!!" Green summonds a metal dragon machine from the ground in which she climbs aboard of and the white ranger tells the other rangers to stay back and regain their energy until they are ready to fight again. The white ranger calls upon the power of Saba from the morphin grid and gets summoned a huge white tiger zord. The green and white clash in their zords in a very ferocious battle. White ranger leaves the cockpit of his zord and is able to control the zord with saba and he see's and opening and the white ranger leaps and destroys the cock pit of the green zord and lands on the ground with the green dragon zord which explodes in a ball of fire thanks to the immense power of the white ranger. The rangers cheer for the white ranger and ask who he is. But before white puts his visor down the green ranger is seen behind the white coming out of the wreckage of the dragonzord. Green: "YOU! YOU MONSTER! You destroyed my pretty zord!" White turns around and see's that green has no helmet now and her armour is badly damaged as Tommy realises the green ranger is his sister Tammy Oliver. Tommy: "Tammy! Stop! It's me!" Tommy's visor goes down as Tammy stops and realises her brother is the white ranger. Tammy: "Brother?!" Jason: "Tommy is that you?" Tommy turns around reveals his face to the rangers who can't believe it. Tammy: "So zordon brought you to his hokey religion too huh brother?" Tommy: "So the coin corrupted you too?" Tammy: "The coin tells me you could not handle its power unlike me." Tommy: "Hey Tam listen to me you got to give the coin to me please its for your own good." Tammy takes the coin in her palm and goes to give it to Tommy. Tammy: "Help me Tommy this power is too much its made me be someone else, it's not good. I have something to do but i am not sure if i could do it..." Tommy: "It's ok sis, do it for me please....if not me then do it for mom!" Tammy smirks and puts the coin back in her morpher belt and quickly teleports behind the rest of the rangers throwing Trini into a tree, Kicking Zack into a bill board, Throwing Billy into a garage and punching Jason into a shop. Tammy has her dagger around the throat of Kimberly. Tammy: "I know how you feel big brother, these friends of yours are nothing but trouble and they or you or zordon can not save you from the darkness that is coming for this planet! The great evil is there in the sky coming down slowly to get you." Tommy: "Tam! Stop this! Now! Put the dagger down and leave my friends alone, come face me!" Tammy: "Ah you see there is only one way out of this and that is by you killing me brother! You wont do it though, because before you get the chance to i will have killed all your friends so come and stop me!" Zordon:"Tommy that is not your sister she is too corrupt by Rita's coin you have to stop her you are the only one who can do it use the power of saba!" Tommy: "I can't! I won't do it!" Alpha: "Tommy please this is not your sister here!" Tommy:" MOVE!" Kimberly stamps on the feet of Tammy and moves away as Tammy gets blasted by the saba sword. Killing Tammy instantly. Tommy: "It's done, i'm sorry sis" Zordon: "I am sorry you had to do that Tommy but you saved your team's lives and the lives of many more around the city and the world, thank you". Tommy: "Kim go help the team!" Kim runs off to make sure the rest of the team are ok. Tommy crouches over Tammy's lifeless body and says "I'm sorry i could not help you" Tammy comes back alive gripping tommy's neck and say's in a unearthly voice. "You were warned of my arrival and now here i come!" before Tammy's body goes limp and lifeless again. Tommy and the rangers look up to the sky as we zoom up outside the earth to see a ship land on the moon and we cut to see Zedd looking on to the earth as we fade to black and hear Rita laughing. 

Who should play Tommy Oliver? 
Josh Hutcherson maybe someone as young as the cast and this guy came to mind i think he could pull it off, he has franchise experience too with hunger games. 

That is all i have for you today, thanks for reading as ever. Peace out rangers!

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