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Thursday 8 December 2016

The 100th Post!

Here it is my 100th post and to celebrate i shall be looking back on my 10 most popular blog posts and would you believe it, they are all from this year which is as of writing 2016! 

I will link them and give any thoughts i have on writing them as of again this moment in time. 

This blog post was a facebook status originally as i was sick of seeing so much negativity and it was a turning point in my outlook from then on out through the year to be honest. A lot of people loved it and one person had it printed out and framed and is now in their possession and they are doing what ever they wish with it which is amazing happy to have helped inspired others with this post. 

I believe this was the start of my list era where i listed top 10's this one was as hard as any other to do i did not want to pick all WWE matches either. What i picked i believe still rings true a great mixed list here and i did also throw in bonus matches so have a gander if you missed it and enjoy the matches!

Another list here. This was a real tough one it had me thinking for hours about back and fore i was always changing the list. Still holds up and it's all my opinion only as is anything i write to be fair. Some agreed,some liked it, some did not all is fair and cool. 

After i seen X-Men Apocalypse i decided to list my top 10 fave Xmen so of course this list is still relevant and is another one of the list era blog posts to appear to have picked up quite some views here. Do you agree with the list?

Man how many lists did i make haha. Quite a few i know and more could be on the way. I said so far to this list and it still applies as there's always more disney films coming out who knows what is going to change in future for the list or when it will be updated.

Hard to believe i have done as many random ramblin's post as 26 and i have done even more since that one. This one was all about cosplay animosity in the community and tna haters aswell as game reviews and other thoughts at that moment of time and a lot of those thoughts have changed as time has passed to this point. 

Not long ago in the states and uk people were scared and worried out of their minds of apparent "killer clowns" lurking the streets and scaring people. What a load of shit it was haha. 

Surprisingly enough this was quite an negative aggressive time when i wrote this i was fed up and this all came out and it's only surprising since i was in a bad mood and there was not much aggression even though it is meant to be, if that makes any sense? Just how i viewed life at that point. 

Wow so my top 10 halloween songs blog post was the second highest viewed of this year as of time of writing? What did i do to get that much views i wonder? Oh yeah picked amazing songs duh! 😛

This is my most viewed from 2016 my thoughts on Trump becoming president of the USA!? Wow. What else can i say to that?! 


Well wow thanks everyone for visiting my blog over the past 100 posts! 

I drink and salute and urge you all to continue visiting and let's make the next 100 post's great again!

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