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Monday 5 December 2016

Games That Don't Need A Sequel!

Why is Spyro not getting a remaster yet? 

How come Last Of Us has a sequel? 

These are the questions floating above the godsphere clouded mind of mine. 

I have no answers for those yet but i will be naming some games today i feel are not worthy of a sequel. 

My aim first of all was to name 10 games that should not get a sequel but i only thought of 4 so it either will show you how good a brain i have and how many good games i played or how bad i am. 

Either way, have a read,tell me your thoughts and name any games you don't think need a sequel in the comment section below!

Ride To Hell: Retribution
Why did this need to happen in the first place? It was so rubbish in the first place i did, i admit i bought this game on ps3 for £1 and played it for only an hour before binning it but there we go. I don't think they will make another but for the records they should not try to bring it back unless somehow they make a sequel so good it will expand eyeballs to a freakish new feat. Which is a weird thing to think of or even say but there we go. 

Heavy Rain
I utterly loved this game and one of very few games i have ever been so attached to and have played over 6 times honestly this game is a masterpiece and i don't say that often but my god what a game. It fine as it is and does not need a sequel, however if there's a game set in somewhat the same universe as it i would not mind but you know like Cloverfield series there should not really be a sequel even if it is wanted. I want a game that can be set in the same universe as Heavy Rain but just leave it at that, if i have made any sense here then awesome and if i have not made sense just tell me lol. 

I only got to play this quite recently and wow it was amazing so gripping it had me play through it twice it's amazing so simplistic in controls and yet the story and graphics and music and yes the overall Journey (had to say that) was simply amazing. A sequel would seem out of place so no thanks for a sequel sorry. 

L.A. Noire
Similar to Heavy Rain it's fine as it is just i would like something in the same universe as it maybe a modern day take to this amazing game. Rockstar's first outing in such a complex detective game and they utterly smashed it. Rockstar just make something similar to it's gameplay but that's it please Cole Phelps and the cases were brilliant to play and although i was not a fan of it's ending it's good enough. Showed the troubled life of Cole played out to it's ending it's fine there. A sequel would defo need new characters and a new time era so a spiritual successor of a game sequel be good but like i said it's not needed and fine. 

Oh my god this game was utterly incredible. Graphics,sounds,style,story,dialogue it had it all and for an indie game of all things to compete on the levels of a triple A game i thought this was incredible. This and Journey are two of the best games i have played in 2016 now that say's quite a lot hell i'll say put Uncharted 4 to shame with both their combined stories and gameplay. Off topic Uncharted 4 is a great game but it's not on par with the series 2 i loved best and 3 was awesome too but U4 was disappointing for me. Firewatch deserves so much more praise honestly. I do want to know what happens next for Henry but it's ok as it is really. Love it, what a gem! 

Life Is Strange
How this did not come to mind earlier on is a mystery this is also one of the best games i have played in 2016. It's story which has many twists turns and unfolds in various ways depending on player choices and interactions it's so good and gripping. I feel there's no need for it to continue from the ending i had. I am happy where it finished and so that's all i can say other than....GO PLAY THIS GAME!


Well that's all i have for you guy's today, thanks for reading as ever!

Love you all! 

Remember to comment and follow along for more :) 

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