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Monday 7 November 2016

Random Ramblin's 29 - Octo-November?

Sappenin' Butt? You alright or what?

Aye i'm not too bad ta. 

Had shit times, had good times but that's life really like! 

What's been going on recently then i hear you enquire ever so persistently.

I had a go of HotLineMiami2 this month and i can easily say, it is the hardest game i have ever played!

Metallica's newest album so far sound fucking awesome!

The stage by a7x was quite disappointing. 

New KING810 album LePetiteMort OrAConversationWithGod is wicked! Just as i expected. Love this band.

Pain Quest 4 was finally released!

One of my fave youtubers tweeted something very inspirational.
The Stupendous Wave ‏@StupendousWave Sep 23
If you want to do YT patience is the best thing you can have. It took me about 3 months to get 50 subscribers.

I seen Steel Panther live and they could have been a lot better if they did not waste so much time talking shit. 

There's many things i hate in this world....I hate it when people get paid to say something good it's stupidly emotionless. Unlike the sweet taste of McDonald's chicken nuggets buy em now!

Clows terrorised social media and real life and my thoughts on that matter are: If you think the invasion of clowns are scary, think about @realDonaldTrump running a country. Now that's scary!

The PowerRangersMovie 2017 teaser has done it. A mature modern take on power rangers and everyone i know is loving it! ThePowerRangers

The gods rewarded me kindly. I have access to the DBZ Xenoverse2 closed Beta and open beta! YES YES YES! I was had a code from a dragonball z game page for free i was like holy shit!!!! Haha. Took me a week to beat it's story and side quests yet i still have more to complete. 

Finally watched and finished TheCW Supergirl season 1 show Melissa Benoist and David Harewood are fantastic. Love their performances.

Rogue One Star Wars does not look that good. I just hope DarthVader will be there to slaughter the good characters near the end of the film.

Asked my then crush out on a date.....she said what happened next? Had a nice date all was fine had a good laugh. Then she went from talking to me everyday to not talking to me at all. Weird right? Of course this made me question myself i asked her out again to see Dr.Strange and she cancelled 2 days before then day before it i asked if she's free maybe we can go bowling to which no reply until the day before comic con which we went together with as we had planned it for a while. All that week i was wondering beating my self up overthinking negatively that i'm no good i fucked up etc and having paranoia that someone said something bad about me to her behind my back. What also triggered the paranoid thoughts are that people who are friends were being weird about me and her going on a date. By weird i mean asking me about if me and her went out for dinner and then being quiet for a few mins then changing subject. Another friend assumed i was going to bring her everywhere with me. Weird. People have been saying things to me about the one guy who i said was quiet and changing topics about me and that girl going on a date saying that, that guy gets jealous when girls are brought into the group, it should also be mentioned many believe that guy has an ocd about one of his female friends. Anyway i tried getting someone else to go to comic con with me since she had not replied to me for a week. I failed to do that and then she got back to me the day before the con saying she's going. Anyway the con day we didnt talk much to eachother i said more words than her. It was like watching a kid all day she was so annoying she was complaining so i just said fine we'll go home then and we left early we were there for 4 hours and i wanted to stay another hour like but ah well i spent quite a bit of money there and had a lil bit of fun despite her. Anyway i have said basically fuck you to her as she can not make an effort to reply to me instead of ignore me so fuck her! Better women out there.

HOLY FUCK RDR 2?!!?!?!?? Was it announced early? FUCK NO! People have said oh they should have waited til 2017 January to do it or next e3 but i don't agree.

#ThursdayThoughts the Logan Trailer was lame it was more last of us than xmen action packed. It's good and bad in a way. Disliked it.

Just finished Firewatch what a game one of the best I have ever played. What a story. 10/10 GOTY

#AberfanDisaster my grandfather was there 50 years ago saving people's lives. Never forget the 144 R.I.P.

DoctorStrange it was really good. The trailers for it were bad. DoctorStrange has amazing cgi visual effects possibly the best ever. The humor was good so was the story. Could have been better but 7/10.

Every halloween my mother does the same dress up decorate the house and scare everyone who knocks on the door haha. Proper legend.

My grandfather had his 80th birthday recently and to everyone's surprise the thing he most wanted to do on his birthday was get a kebab with the family. This screams top legend don't it? I am not a fan of kebabs but my grandfather eating his first kebab had me like "yes top quality ledge!"

Wrestling world.
WWE'S CRUISERWEIGHTS RETURNED to which Tj Perkins won the "first" title well wwe said it's the first when we all know it's not the first cruiserweight title. Seth Rollins has been given too many chances with the wwe title. Charlotte has proved why she's the best raw woman wrestler many times. Smackdown has been better booked than raw. James Ellsworth has been quite something. Goldberg has returned and will be battling Brock Lesnar soon it's all very boring. Shame how Jericho's list has been one of the most over things in wwe recently. Shame how everyone has seemingly been taking law suits out on TNA too! Women main evented a wwe ppv. Crazy times we live in. 

I wonder what's going to happen next. 

Thanks for reading as ever! 

Til next time!

See you space cowboy! 

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