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Wednesday 12 October 2016


Oh boy has it been a while since i did a list and this list today i have compiled on the year anniversary of my first tattoo! THIS LIST IS ALL ABOUT PANTERA!

Although i will be publishing this blog later than August 25th 2016 because i am quite forgetful or am busy with other things but hey without further ado let's go to the great southern treadkill!

What a tune to kick off my list! I think Phil is talking about his life and saying that hes awesome because he worked to get where he is and that no one has the right to take it away from him, and that if you don't like him, fuck you. That message should apply to everyone if someone does not like you well fuck em. 

If you wish to make an entrance use this song guarantee to get everyone's attention. The song is about back pain that Pantera's vocalist Phil Anselmo felt. Phil Anselmo said "This is right when I started feeling the pain in my lower back, and it felt scary," says Anselmo. "I think this is one of the first times in my life, man, that I had this thing called 'vulnerability' kick in, and that was a very uncomfortable feeling." Anselmo adds, "I think that was really my first glimpse into kind of screaming to the world, 'Fucking... I am broken! Somebody fucking help me here!'" 

In everyday life there's more than meets the eye, to reach the depths of truth we must drag the waters and holy fuck right!? That opener the cowbell the guitar then Phil stepping on a lego brick. YEEOOOOOOWWWW hahaha i made that bit up but stepping on lego and experiencing the pain is not a joke. First time i heard this i wanted to punch a wall and then jump off my bed and go through my light but nope i just headbanged like fuck. Dimebag Darrell has said that this song "is about a lifetime of dealing with people that you can't tell what they're really comin' at you for, or what their motives really are. You've got to drag the waters to get to the bottom and find out the truth.'"Drag the Waters" is a warning to the listener to always question other peoples' motives. In fact, the music video starts off with a warning by an unknown male voice that says 'In everyday life, there is more than meets the eye. To reach the depths of truth, we must drag the waters'. Many have suggested this song to be about the Green River Killer.

Fucking tune! It actually states on Wikipedia that this song was particularly about Anselmo being provoked by a heckler and told the crowd to basically beat the shit out of him (the heckler) as well as a couple more insults following that, later the band being sued, and the heckler's father calling the band manager and threatening "you just give me FIVE MINUTES ALONE with that Phil Anselmo guy and I'll show him who's 'big daddy' around here", later continuing with Phil's response "you just give me FIVE MINUTES ALONE with that cat's dad and I'll whoop his ass."

What a fucking song it can make you cry stick your lighter in the air and then make you headbang like hell is breaking out on Earth. This truly shows the dynamic range the band has and that they can produce some of the most heartfelt metal songs you would ever hear. Phil Anselmo actually talked about the meaning behind this. His friend was fatally injured in a car crash and was on a life support machine, making him just a "hollow shell" He is singing about how he misses his friend, and that he is fucking mad at God for taking him. Such a sad song,you can really feel Phil's heartfelt emotion amazing song, incredible solo by Dime. Just after the solo i can always picture slipping into madness it's the effect that has you hear voices things are swirling round going down before we get back up and unleash our anger. 

Vinnie has said that this song was about a relationship Anselmo had been in previously. "This Love was pretty much the story of a relationship he had been in, and he was really mad about it!" Sounds like the ultimate metal break up song right? The mellow groove sends me swaying side to side slowly until the chorus kicks in and we jump the fuck up and around and mosh like a bull in a china shop! 

You gotta move to this shit and go nuts and sing with it. DETERMINED! Phil Anselmo stated in a 1992 interview on Much More Music, that "Mouth for War" is about channeling your hate into something productive. This is evident in the lyrics "When I channel my hate to productive/I don't find it hard to impress".

It's hard to come across metal songs that are so heartfelt so powerful that will move not only your body but your mind, your heart, your soul! There's so many song's i'd like played at my funeral and this is one of them. Soon as it kicks in mind people won't be standing crying they will be having a wall of death a circle pit a mosh pit a pit pit you know they be going nuts. Shit gets real soon as it hits the "well i guess you took my youth" this song is a fucking beautiful masterpiece! The lyrics lament the death of a female lover and the prospect of dying or committing suicide and rejoining her in the afterlife. Phil Anselmo has credited numerous inspirations for the song. He stated in an interview in 1991 that the song was written about his good friends that had committed suicide. He also stated in a live Q&A that "there was a friend who had died in NOLA and it had a real heavy impact within my group of friends. When I wrote the lyrics I did not want them to be too personal, because that can be cheesy. I also had to make sure that the lyrics would not take away from the song, because that was one of our best songs."

The engine starts up that shiver goes down your spin and then BAM you're ears get caressed with the sweet metallic sounds of Pantera! Vinnie Paul had this to say about the meaning of the track - "Basically it was about us coming out of Texas and being out of place. People don't think of Texas as being a hot spot for heavy metal, they think of New York or L.A. or something like that, so it just seemed like an obvious concept for us." Basically you want to make a badass motherfucker entrance or impression walk into some place with this playing and act like you own it.This is the second Pantera song i ever heard. 

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Is my reaction to every time i hear this song. It's my jam! The first most listened to Pantera song i have heard by them. My cousin introduced me to Pantera 10 year's ago and this was the first song and it hit me, "WHY AM I ONLY NOW DISCOVERING THESE!?" Shivers were sent through my body the endorphins kicked off giving me such pleasure and euphoric feeling. It's like a drug this song! Fuck man Dime's solo it melted my face and my fucking ears the first time i heard it, Dime is one of those guys who can make a guitar talk i am fucking telling you and it's a fucking tragedy Dime is no longer present with us but we all miss him dearly. Phil Anselmo said that message of the song was "Take your fucking attitude and take a fuckin' walk with that. Keep that shit away from me". His message was aimed at friends that treated the band differently when they arrived home after touring for Cowboys from Hell. He said "they thought it had gone to our heads, like we've got this rock-star thing embroidered across our faces" Funny Fact: I thought the chorus lyrics were "WE SPIT WALK" for while after discovering them and yes it was hard to unhear but fuck yeah Pantera!!!!
Ok that is it folks,no more lists I'm retiring to put focus on other things. 

It sucks and I'm sorry but hey I did almost all the bands I love or listen to daily so that's an achievement accomplished. 

I want to thank each and everyone of you for reading and following my lists and my blog page.

Stay tuned follow my blog check in weekly you never know what's going to be published next or what's going to happen :)

I'll drink to you guys tonight! PEACE OUT!

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