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Monday 24 October 2016

Kane's Last WWE Run Idea.

I originally posted this as a comment on a wrestling fan page on facebook but after hearing people like it i decided to share it.

 Ok let's set the Kane last run up. Right I will use Bray as he is feuding with him currently so is Orton but eh that's a good one. Bray once again plays mind games with Kane perhaps Bray traps Kane and say's he will go into his mind. We see Bray in a dark hallway with him giving a big monologue on how the Big Red Machine is a pussy these days and while he is talking at the side of Bray lights will appear on and men looking like Kane will be standing still displaying Kane's best moments all the way to date. Bray say's he want's to help Kane free the monster again by destroying the demon. Have Bray seemingly torture a unmasked Kane tied up. Kane gets pissed rips his ropes up to have Bray shocked in horror cowering. Then Harper and Rowen come in beat down Kane. Bray order's stronger restraints. So we will see this new Kane who is pissed off Bray fears. We will go on a bit more torturing and abusing from Bray to Kane and we have Kane continually snapping with Bray showing surprise and fear and disbelief each time. Then we have Kane on his knees with a bag over his head and Bray tries to get in his head again. To which we have that Hallway again with Bray and all of Kane's best moments with Bray laughing yelling "The demon is gone! Now it's time to destroy the uncontrollable Monster that is left within this man." Bray does Kane's traditional arms raise fire ensures victory pose but the lights go out. Bray is left looking around (like the last scene of blair witch project) just afraid not knowing what's going on. Then we hear Kane's old laugh (you know when he was unmasked and bald that type of evil sinister demented laugh he had?) to which then where those Kane lookalike's were standing now erupts Fire. The camera focus's on Bray just scared. Bray then see's two men in mask's laying on the floor ahead of him in sheep masks and Bray removes their masks to show it's Rowan and Harper. Bray start's to panic "No! No! No! How!? How are you doing this?! ANSWER ME KANE!" to which we then have emerging out of smoke and darkness past Kane's. Bray: "You're games won't do nothing to me Kane! I'M IN YOUR HEAD I CONTROL YOU NOW!" Kane laughs again. Bray backs away as the Kanes walk towards him. Bray stops and can no longer move back. Bray turns around and then back again to see the Kanes are gone. Bray laughs. Bray: "See Kane I can make you go away, I'm stronger than you, I am the eater of worlds, I am the devourer of the dead, I am the cult in which all will follow. I am Bray Wyatt and I have just killed you DEMON!" silence and darkness....a bright light lights up the room blinding Bray. Kane: "You are right the demon is dead" Bray see's a coffin ahead. He approaches it and opens it to see Kane's mask. Bray laughs then the coffin lid closes by it's self. Kane: "You should know Bray. Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you. Bray you have killed the demon but you have also resurrected the monster!” lighting hits. Bray is suddenly kneeling at a grave. Bray looks at the tombstone to see his name and the date being today. Bray is shocked scared. Bray is back in the room with Kane and Kane still has a bag over his head. Bray reluctantly takes the bag off Kane's head. We see Kane in a mask very similar to his debut mask in terms of colour scheme design. Bray walks back scared. Lightning hits again. Then we see a shadow of bray and kane and kane tombstones Bray. Kane show's his back to the camera and walks out of Bray's shed into rain. We then see the house explode. Kane has few weeks off tv not to be mentioned. Until one night. We get a video showing 3 sheep masks and Kane's old mask and then they get out on a fire. That night at a major world title match in a steel cage lets say AJ Styles v Randy Orton. Ref and the wrestlers get knocked down as part of the match. Then the lights go out. The turnbuckles explode with fire. To have the lights go back on in which then Kane picks Aj up and throws him out through the door of the cage. Then he picks Orton up and then throws him into the opposite end of the cage and Orton hits the cage wall and the wall comes off and hits the floor with Randy on it. Crowd is going nuts. Commentators mainly Ronallo is going mental! Like holy shit this is unreal some supernatural event. Kanes back with an impact! We will have a 3 way feud then Kane Orton Aj but Kane plays a lot of mind games on Randy coaxing Randy to bring the legend killer back to try and kill this legend. This new monster Kane will not talk by the way his actions speak. Oh don't worry Aj is not going to be free. Kane will play games with him too let's invoke it to be personal and have Kane seemingly stalk Aj and his family Kane can be like the bogeyman to Aj perhaps and Kane mocks Aj calls him a bad man and a bad dad and stuff. So we have Aj and Orton both pissed. Kane is there coming in randomly week in and out to play games with those two and not only that destroy and interrupt several matches. This pisses Shane and Bryan off very much so. Bryan goes out tries to stop Kane showing Kane their memories. Kane will be emotionless looking at Bryan and at the titantron with his head tilted. Bryan and the fans want to hug it out like old times. Kane want's none of it and vicously grabs Bryan by the throat and lifts him up ready for a chokeslam but then Shane comes out. Saves Bryan from a chokeslam by telling Kane to put him down he can not take it with his concussion's in his past and if he does that Shane will put him in the world title match. Kane puts Bryan down pushes Bryan towards Shane. Shane tells Bryan to leave the ring. Bryan leaves as Shane turns around he is met with a running big boot from Kane. Kane then lifts up Shane. Bryan gets on the mic. "STOP IT! KANE! THAT'S ENOUGH! YOU HAVE YOUR TITLE SHOT!" Kane still proceeds to hit the tombstone on Shane. Bryan looks on horrified. Kane then leaves the ring. Next week Shane is in a neck brace pissed at Kane tells him for putting his hands on the gm and comish he's revoked of the awarded title shot and is now suspended with no pay but surprise surprise Kane does not care and continues to show up and wreck havok with his continuous mind games on Orton and Aj. Aj and Orton both complain that it's not stopping him and they are pissed off at how Kane is getting away with it. Orton believes that Kane will stop soon as he has his title match. Kane gets his match at the next ppv. The match feels more like a handicap world title match with Orton and Aj going nuts on Kane they both put Kane through a table after hitting him with chairs and kendo sticks they think that's it for Kane. The two then break out in a fight. Aj hits styles clash on Orton but Orton kicks out. Aj picks Orton up signalling for a second styles clash to which Aj get's Rko'd outta nowhere! The ref counts to two then the lights go out and then back on to have Kane in the ring and delivers a double chokeslam to both men to which Kane then on his knee's pushes both their shoulders down to the mat with both hands. The ref counts to 3 as both were Pinned we have a new champion. I rushed it a bit but it's due to it being a long comment. I could go further into it where Kane loses title has last match at mania but eh this'll do as a basic idea.
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Kuntal Chelsea Banerjee we need u in the creative department
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Gourab Koley 👏👏👏
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Conor Macca sounds decent!
LikeReply8 hrs
Jawshoowa Daniel Beal Why aren't you a creative writer again?!
UnlikeReply17 hrs
Scott Jones Haha thanks everyone. Wwe needs some fans in creative to see what the fans would want instead of "You're having this like it or not"

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