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Sunday 30 October 2016

A Halloween Tribute

Waiting, silently,
He comes,
Once more,
Home is where he goes,
Stalks his prey.
His breathing barely heard,
When he is a mere foot from your kerb,
Walks faster than mortals,
He is nothing but the word,
Supernatural forces,
Beyond comprehension,
Power him in this dimension, 
No one is safe,
When he comes home,
He'll stalk you,
Playing with his prey,
Before he corners them,
He raises his clenched hand,
His blood soaked overalls,
He overthrowal's all,
His knife a dark shade of red,
No where is safe to hide,
Not even under your bed,
You think the being is unreal that it's all in your head,
But you are mistaken,
Some tried blocking off his home,
However it could not stop him at all,
Evil always finds it's way home, 
The shape is not to be messed with,
The boogey man is real,
Death comes to your town when he visits,
They tried to fix him,
The six year old boy in the clown outfit,
He is not clowning around when he killed in cold blood,
He's been stabbed,
He's been shot,
He's fallen from heights,
He's been blown up,
Run over,
Even decapitated,
Nothing can stop him,
Nothing phase's him,
He's not human,
His eyes will deceive you, they will destroy you. They will take from you, your innocence, your pride, and eventually your soul, His eyes do not see what you and I see. Behind his eyes one finds only blackness, the absence of light, these eyes of his are of a psychopath. Inside every one us, there exists a dark side. Most people rise above it, but some are consumed by it. Until there is nothing left, but pure evil. The darkest souls are not those which choose to exist within the hell of the abyss, but those which choose to move silently among us. 

Make no mistake,
It's coming,
Come now,
He'll always find you,
Ain't nowhere to hide,
Everyone be afraid,
Laurie Strode is who he desires most,
Many have tried to stop him,
You have to escape,
Either that or die,

He come's home tonight!
All is not what it seem's,
Look out,
Lose yourself,
Our goodness won't save us,
We have to fight him,
Everyone beware,
Especially this night,
No one can stop the shape, that stalks the night!

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