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Friday 24 June 2016


A warning to the people,the good and the evil.....we,are off to MARS! 

Having seen the band live twice i can say they are my fave live band and i am more than happy to see them again and again. Fun facts 30stm are the first band i seen live and Jared Leto took a song request from me :) 

I was so close to Jared. 

Yes that is correct today i am bringing you to mars you are 30 seconds away from entry to strap in and let's touch base!

Kicking off my list is this rock synth fusion tune! Attack is basically about starting over of life after a relationship because you have left them go as they were holding you back in some way shape and form. It's one where people can get a few different meanings from obviously the main ones are which i have listed relationship issues and starting over. 

A heavy passionate hitter here people have basically said it is all about the battle of troy you know the whole trojan war which i do agree with but i would also like to add i can imagine an uprising of people taking up arms to take back what's theirs. I took this bit from google about Conquistadors - Conquistadors were adventurers who created a Spanish empire in Central and South America in the 16th century. The word is derived from 'conquistar', Spanish for 'conquer.' 

This song is hauntingly powerful and beautiful from it's music video of the band on some icebergs actually filmed in Greenland. It's video has also been linked to a warning of global warming. The song i feel is all about that phase of life you have where you are trying to figure out what to do in life you stay awake all night thinking about it and just wanting to escape the society in which you life in. The thing about this song is it's open to many interpretations.

Catchy as hell and powerful. The song features references towards politics and war.  For me this is a hard one to decipher what i find to be the meaning however i will just say about the images i get in my head while listening to the song. A war torn future with the officials so corrupt they are stealing and waging war to put more money in their own pockets and the people on the run who have disobeyed their leader(s) are hiding and plotting their leader(s) downfall such as the lyrics go the giants of the world are crashing down, these people who are uprising are on the run and swimming following the northern lights is their best chance of being free. There are people playing dead just to escape death. It's a weird piece of imagery i know but hey there we go. 

I love Bartholomew Cubbins (Yes i do know who he is really) and how he shoots 30stm videos. Do or Die is an uplifting song it is so good it just contains so much hope and happiness in its catchy-ness. Hearing the crowd sing this live is just amazing experience to be apart of. You have to take every opportunity you're given because time won't stop and wait for you to get ready. Don't be afraid of showing what you dream of, just do it and don't care about what others think of it is it's basic meaning of the song. 

NO THIS IS NOT THE KANYE VERSION!  Hurricane has the vibes of a politics,religion and a relationship in it's lyrics. The video contains dark sexual themes and good stunts quite frankly it also contains 3 chapters birth,life and death. I have been staring into space for a good half hour thinking what to write for a meaning to this song but i can not because it has many and i am not 100% positive on which one i feel is more right and which i feel. It's a hard one i am going to leave it however with it's about life and politics,religion and pleasure. 

I tend to cry sometimes listening to this because it is so powerful so connecting so meaningful to me anyway. The first time i heard it i was just happy with tears streaming down my face just so connected to the song you know it's hard to describe what is it that has me so connected to this song but it is one of my all time fave songs, I get so passionate singing it aswell especially the no no no's and live oh my jesus it is more beautiful. This powerful beautiful piece of music is all about life and how you life it, never forgetting,never regretting, living your life being who you want to be living how you want to live acceptance in your own skin. It's all kinds of positivity. The people at the start and end of the music video makes it so much more powerful aswell. 

I find the music video to be very weird but i utterly love this song it's just so darn good. Jared introduces this song with "this one is all about peace" it's obviously all about war and peace and the wishing just hoping for a brave new world to come out of it. 

The first ever American music video shot in the People's Republic of China in its entirety and the last video i believe which features their bassist Matt Wachter. The music video is incredible. As for the meaning of the song well i feel like it's talking about multiple people at times during each of the songs verses i do not know for sure i have also done some googling as i do just to make sure there is not anything i am missing while putting these lists together but there are many who feel the same or feel the song is about one of China's great hero's or something entirely different. It's all up in the air ;) 

Set in the place of The Shining this is my number 1 why? Oh well it's only the first ever song i heard from the boys. Is it about a relationship or self reflection? I believe it is both. It is also quite obvious of the song being all about going a bit crazy because as you see in the music video they are all hallucinating it's all to go with the self reflection i believe you see the fake you and you can see the real you and you are trying to just be the real vision of yourself and not this other one you front around people or in the online world for that matter.  

Well folks bury me because that is the end of this list. 
Let me know your 10 fave songs if you are part of the Echelon family or not :)
The god is out!

P.s. I might get a 30stm tat soon :)
This was my toughest list to date only due to the song meanings it's hard to decipher some and what they mean to me or what i believe the story the song is telling. 

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