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Monday 20 June 2016

Random Ramblin's 26 - The recent times on RANDOM RAMBLIN-Z

Previously on my blog

It has been 2 months since i have posted a random ramblin's as i have been busy writing lists and doing other things and frankly not much eventfulness has happened.....til now. Read on for more from myself if you are interested in knowing what has been happening with me. 

There has been issue's in the South Wales cosplay community. I have also not been wanting to cosplay. More follows from my statement.

"There's lot of animosity going on in the cosplay world at the moment from apparent con competition fixes to venues and con organisers being too tough and to jealous cosplayers, to bullying assumptions and other things.

I Scott thought I would just post here that I feel sad that the friendly fun world of cosplay and it's community that I was so into has just gone downhill I'll be perfectly honest at this very moment in time.....I don't plan on cosplaying for the next con.

I don't very much feel like going to cfcc. It's close local and I know loads there that go that are true friends but there's people and staff and other things that are playing on my mind and putting me off. I blame the bad con I had earlier this year.

I've had 2 bad cons at cfcc 1 was my heisenberg cosplay con and the other was the muck up of my bleach ichigo cosplay.

I feel more like I'm better off heading to a different con if only for the guests at the moment. I don't know what it is besides this stuff I have listed that's bugging me or lowered my cosplay confidence but it sucks and I have been keeping that a secret since the end of the last con.

I Don't want or mean to disappoint anyone here of our lovely likers and fans because you guys are amazing. Our con friends or rather family I love to bits it annoys me I don't hang with them often. I do wish I had the tools and time to actually craft and make things cosplay wise I have so many ideas it's just the lack of resources really, honestly if I had time money and stuff I would have a go making something some armour or something a mask I don't know exactly.

I know we have months to go til cfcc and there's a whole lot of time for me to decide what I am doing but as of now I'm just empty of cosplay wise plans I'm not so excited or anything I'm just like vacant no ideas lacking the desire. It sucks. I know. Like I said the cons I really want to go to are just for the guests now. I feel the attention to cfcc has diminished so much it's crazy that the con used to have bundles of huge guests but now has one mainly.

James keeps on tempting me with ideas for cosplays but for now I'm just leaving it blank until I have the desire,the will and fun to get back into things.

I hope everyone reading this is well and continues to be amazing. :)

Thanks for reading.

This post i posted on myself and James Evans run cosplay page called The Dare Cosplay. Check us out on facebook for cool stuff and updates. 

Since my statement i have leaned to the side of attending just one last comic con. Who knows i may change my mind again. Will keep you posted on what happens.

Right moving on swiftly now. 
There has been a lot of negativity lately on facebook which caused me to write this post (click the link to view it and come back to continue reading this blog.) -

Wrestling Fandom Rant: The TNA hate bandwagon and hypocrites? 
The fact that on every forum or YouTube video involving Tna has Wwe fans just commenting going "Lol so bad tna sux lol lmao who tna got" etc has me just think to myself how sad those people are. Waste their times to crap on another company that has hard working talent and crew doing their best to feed theirselves to show the world another wrestling show alternative. 

It's always the Wwe fanboys or girls to yell this crap on tna stuff. You never see a Wwe "hardcore" fan go on other companies pages and go "new Japan sux or roh is bad" etc do you? It's always the "Hate Tna because it's cool to" bandwagon. Don't get why others can not accept and respect other wrestling companies. 

There's people that say "Tna is WCW" how? WCW is dead so is ECW and TNA has outlasted both. People criticize the stars of Tna and then when those stars end up in Wwe they seem to lose all memory of hating on said stars. So strange right? 

All this stuff just has me acting like Jericho and calling all those haters stupid idiots haha.

Apologies for the rant. 

Yes I still love,watch and enjoy TNA and yes I still watch,like and enjoy Wwe especially with Nxt,Enzo & Cass and Aj Styles. I do also enjoy other companies from time to time like roh,icw and njpw.

Enjoy this meme depicting how things are. 

Now a short break looking at my best tweets recently. 

What games have i played or completed recently? I shall tell you!

Far cry Primal ain't bad. Nice new experience and good looking environment. Plays same as the last 2.

Finally played the new Doom I will be honest and say it's brutal and fast paced. However it's not for me.

Until Dawn what a game. Brilliant. Captivating. Shocking. Intense. Scary. Insane. Video game experience. I screamed at one point! I have had nights where i have been unable to sleep those Wendigo's are fucking scary man may have had sleep insomnia one night and pictured one or it was a nightmare either way it was fucking horrible. 8/10

I completed Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. It was pretty good however it was lacking things and it was pretty easy. I liked Evie and Jacob (Evie a bit more). Setting,graphics,controls all great. Story could have been better of course. 7/10

Minecraft story mode Episode 1 - 5. Admittedly this is not telltale's best it was good though. 6/10 overall. I may get eps 6-8 sometime when they are much cheaper anyway. 

Uncharted 4. A good game and a must play HOWEVER I thought the gameplay was average and the story wasn't particularly compelling (even if it paved the way for some truly incredible moments). The graphics, animations and overall presentation are second to none, but I'm afraid Naughty Dog's flair for state-of-the-art worldcrafting got the best out of reviewers which ended up ignoring some of the issues the game has.

• Stealth works, but is uninteresting. 

• The game has an overabundance of checkpoints

• The AI companions are terrible

• Companions want to move on, they lack curiosity.

Uncharted 4 is a really fun and beautiful game, but lacks replay value unless you are interested in the multiplayer which is pretty good but gets boring quick i found. I'd definitely recommend the game as a "must play" if you own a PlayStation 4, but I don't think it's as good as some people would've you think. 7/10

Dead Space was finally completed thanks to Jared he did it. I could not do it. I owe him many a thanks what a scary game. The time i started playing it i was in a unstable place mentally i would play it and be unable to sleep after it, yeah it scared me that bad. 8/10

Mkx story was pretty good. I really like the game and all it's new characters. Online is a harsh world of having your ass handed to though lol. 7/10.

I must say ps4 games are quite short gameplay wise at the moment i swear all the hard work is for the graphics more than the story. Yes i know "What about Witcher?" that is one exception. "What about fallout 4?" Ok that is another exception. Lol any one else want to contribute exceptions? Haha. 

As for E3 ahem SONY WINS.....FATALITY! 
Spiderman,God Of War,Detroit,Battlefield 1,Wildlands,Injustice 2,Xenoverse 2,CRASH REMASTERS,Kojima,Gears 4,X wing VR,Batman VR are all awesome and are my highlights.

Other things
I have felt like a ghost at times seeing old friends and people i went to school with and knew just having them blank me....No reason. No hello. No smile. No eye contact. Nothing from them i say hello or hey or hi or alright and they walk past me looking at the ground. Fucked up! Fuck em removed those individuals from all my social media's now. Don't need ignorant people. 

My laptop is constantly crashing and my disc drive is still fucked. New laptop maybe needed.

Job front quiet.

Volunteer work quiet besides moving things now and then to and from the old studio to the garage one.

People have said nicely "hey can you drive me or do this for me i will pay you" and i have delivered yet they have not delivered. They won't be using me again i tell you.

Feelings of love have been appearing again, for someone new at the moment. A friend of mine had interests in her and she had interests in him all for her to be continually stood up by that supposed friend of mine. It angers me greatly. He continues to ignore me. I want to yell and throttle him about using women but he avoids me now. He must know. I have not told said person of my feelings towards them i was hoping to get them one on one in person but then the other day. Despite how pissed and upset she was and how pissed everyone was with that guy the supposed friend of mine she goes and invites him and everyone else to a night out. Now sadly i can not go as i am attending an event but still i would not go that guy supposed friend is a knob head he always ditches you or starts shit he thinks he is a hard man when he is a scumbag!

Youtube is no longer notifying me of comments on my videos. FUCKING PISSTAKE MUN!

Thinking of moving the blog to wordpress or starting a new blog on wordpress or making a website dedicated to all thing's me. I will let you know what happens as soon as i know.

Jungle Book remake was ok. 
TMNT 2 was good.

Orlando shootings was horrible and senseless,condolences to the victims and their family. Hopefully America can stop this senseless violence some day. 

Might try my hand at poetry. A good friend of mine checked out some lyrics i wrote and he said "It's like poetry" which has me like. "Shit i can actually write poetry?" I honestly thought i was shit or could not write it. I will try again. See what happens init?

Just watched Wolf Children. It was alright like, different to what i normally watch anime wise but it had beautiful looks and music and a good voice cast. 

Thanks for reading if you did.
I like a good rant/vent sesh

Stay tuned for more top 10 lists.
Stay tuned on my youtube channel for more wicked content.

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