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Friday 1 January 2016

Random Ramblin's 22 - I got fired - November 2015

A blog post all about my work many names and events have been changed to not get much shit coming back about it ok.

So i worked as a security guard in wales that works for a company who's name i wont name even though i want to! But if it helps their name rhymes with Twilight. ;)

So i had worked for them for a year well a year and a half and as of 19/11/15 i was terminated from my job. They have been a lot of trouble to be honest first few months they were good. You know it was my first official job and i took the job because i needed money. So its a no brainer i would take it.I had never heard of the company before hand but you know no one i knew heard of them either. I would say they are an medium sized company their office is just in a terrace house,its small and its not a clean environment there, just all a mess not the professional business office you would love to do biz with.

There are/were a few great fun characters there that are/were nice to work with but not many are left there now. There was a worker there who was a sarcastic dickhead me and him had an argument before i mean he thinks he is the boss when he is not. No one liked sarky fuck but at least he did get the boot and was never seen or heard from again woo.

Ok so before in November 2014 i was at this site and just you know chilling and shit and then i got a call from the boss and this was my first contact with the boss i never met him or seen him before then and he said "i want you to work up Oxford" i said "no sorry its too far for me" he simply went off on one saying "Well then you can forget about having your days off next month now!" But i still had my days off in December 2014 haha.

In my first month work for the company i had worked a site for 2 weeks straight 7pm-7am and i got asked on my first day off if i would work there again, i said "well its my day off ,do i get extra time for working it?" the guy said "no, that's for bank hols and its not a bank hol" and i declined you know i said i am sorry but i cant do it sorry and he said "ok no problem have a nice day" and that guy was nice Brian his name was. One night sarky fuck, asked me on a day off to do a "local site" it was in abercynon buuuuuut it was up a fucking mountain to watch machines. I got up there and there was 1 machine and well a guy who was walking his dogs seen me and was asking for directions and he noticed that my car was leaking oil badly. I did say to the company i work for my car is not good for mountains and forestry's and well they ignored that and pushed me into the work that night and well after telling them of my situation with my car they came out didn't help me but they did have someone else cover the site and sent me home and for next few days they rang me and rang me asking me to work when i kept telling them my car is damaged i am waiting for parts i can not work until my car is fixed and week later it was and i was back at work and never worked that mountain forestry again but i did work up another forest but that's a bit later.

Many number of times they got my shifts mixed up and dropped double shifts and gave me different shifts out of the blue so yeah there was tones of that they are just so unorganized and they still are! They kept ringing my house day night when i was there and when i was not there they would phone my house a lot! 6am one day they phoned and i didn't answer and it woke my dad up and he was really pissed off so he blocked their number from my house phone and oh god did my work love that i mean they kept asking me "whats wrong with your phone why dont you answer?!" i said to them oh i have no idea. It shut them up for a good while til we got a new house phone. A number of times they have lied to me about shift end times and when a guard would be coming to change over with me.

Just before this years wrestlemania i did work in a forestry again it was an hour drive for me and my car struggled getting up there and well oh boy did fun ensue. There is no cabins there just machines and no toilets so guess what my body went and said "need a toilet break now" and so i went out of my car and went and did my biz in the forestry and i did go a bit of a walk away from my car and the machines to do my buisness but wait wait wa wa wait for it. Next day oh they went ballistic at me as they had a complaint of the workers who work in those machines in that forestry that they stumbled upon my biz in the woods and they of course blamed me and i did admit to it, but you know i did say aswell "what if it wasn't me? how do they know?" yeah i admitted to doing it but you know how did they come across it and stuff too? did they smell something funny and go oh shit that guard last night drop a doody around here? WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO THERE ARE NO TOILETS I HAVE NO KEY TO THE GATE TO GET OFF SITE AND I AINT GONNA JUST SHIT MYSELF AM I?!" the boss and the minute taker woman and i were all in the same room. Boss said "You should not have defecated in the forest and you should have went off site" NO ONE FUCKING TOLD ME I COULD GO OFF SITE AND I HAD NO KEY TO UNLOCK THE MOTHERFUCKING GATE SO I DID MY BUSINESS BECAUSE WHEN YOU NEED TO GO YOU NEED TO GO AND NO TOILETS MEANS GO INTO THE BUSHES! They were livid at me for that and suspended me for a week from work! They said they were gonna fire me but i guarantee you if they did i would have sued their asses because you know its fucked up! ALL SITES NEED TOILETS AND WASHROOMS! Its in the fucking law! I think to this day they have a grudge about it with me and that's one part of what led to me being fired later down the line. I had a shift before that was a trial for like a new job it was to be in a van and drive to different sites visiting guards making sure all is in order and i did say i don't want to do this and they said "tough you are doing it" so i went off along with it and after it i said i don't want to do this, the boss went mental and said "i give you this and you don't want to do it? so ungrateful" I TOLD YOU BEFORE HAND I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THIS AND I AM GRATEFUL FOR THE CHANCE AND FOR THE WORK AND MONEY AND EXPERIENCE I HAVE HAD FROM THE

Oh before the shit in the woods incident in that same wood my second shift up there it was really windy and there's just one way up and down there and well on my way to go home a tree had fell onto the middle of the road and yeah i could not get home i was stuck but don't worry i got saved and with no help from my company. The latest incident of fuck up happened the other day before my last meeting with my boss. I was given work til Saturday and i had asked all week "what about Sunday?" all they said was "i don't know, we phone you later" and Sunday then i had a phone call 3pm from work saying i be working Monday and Tuesday and nothing was mentioned of Sunday and i was happy relaxing at home a day off i aint had in a while and so come 6:30pm work phoned my house and said i had failed to turn up for work when i was not told anything of Sunday and the boys in control admitted 8pm that it was their fault. Honestly the amount of negative points they have from me and amount of times they have pissed me off is beyond calculations!

I just remembered the first month working for them i was on 1 site a lot and weekends would change shifts with another guard and i was on my way home just finished a shift when he phoned them and complained i had made a mess when honestly i did not, ok i did have some leaves and bits off trees by the door from when i was leaving i knew that he could see that, i mean the cabin is under a bunch of trees and it had been raining and windy so you know obviously you will be attracting in bits fallen from the tree to the ground on your shoes and he went ballistic and complained to my employer just as i had left there. They phoned and phoned me as i was driving home now i was like ok i just want to go home i aint stopping to answer so i got home and i finally answered their calls and they told me i had made a right mess of the cabin when i clearly did not and if i did it was not all my fault. Fuckers they are. Fucked me about so much.

The final straw. So start November 2015 this year i was asked on my day off to go work a forestry on the weekend i said no. They said fine. 10 mins later they phoned me asking me to go down to their office 9am Thursday. I said ok fine. I woke up feeling ill and when they phoned my house asking where i was my mother answered the phone and she said "he cant make it he is ill" and nothing more was said no call, no email, nothing. Next day, Friday i knew i was working since i was told of it start of the week so i got up 5am for work i felt fine and then got to work at 6am to see oh yes another guard there and yeah none of us knew what the fuck was going on so he phoned to find out and after half hour of waiting and me telling the guard on site honestly what a waste of time this is. They phoned back half 6 in the morning still to say to me "sorry we thought you were ill you can go home the guard on site is staying" i thought fuck sake like you twats and i went home. Later in the day they phoned and said "can you come have a meeting in the office soon?" i said sure what day? would tomorrow be fine?" they said "how about uhhhh 9am Monday?" i said ok fine no problem. I enjoyed the weekend off then fair play but Saturday morning they called my house at 6am and that was it, no message , no call back later in the day or anything it pissed my whole household off. Monday morning came and honestly i should not have went because my cars rear axel was bust but i risked it anyway and i went and came back home fine? It was repaired 4 days later but you know. So the "meeting" first of all i got there i was taken into a run down room and given a piece of paper saying "write down why you refused to work this place,why you failed to turn up Thursday to our meeting,why you showed up to work on Friday,where you were this weekend, explain these" i wrote down "i said before i don't want to do forestry work sorry. I was ill Thursday and when i woke up for work Friday i felt better and decided to head to work. The weekend forestry work? Well as i said i was not going to do it so yeah please feel free to read back at these for any more answers." The boss and his minute taker woman did not like it at all and when i had the meeting then with them after filling in the blank spaces of the explain here paper i got sat in a room and yelled at and every time i opened my mouth i got yelled by the boss the following "YOU'RE DISRESPECTING MY COMPANY" I was like for fuck sake if you will shut up i will tell you how much i aint and how much of a shit company and a dickhead you are. Not only that but the woman ya know the minute taker well she started having a go at my mother aswell saying "oh she slammed the phone down on me when she said you were ill,it was very rude and disrespectful" i was there like "what has she got to do with the company? she does not even work here!" they were continually repeating their fave line "YOU'RE DISRESPECTING MY COMPANY" I was there like fuck sake is this show gonna end soon? Hearing the same line over and over and over. Anyway that's it and 10days after the meeting i had a letter saying more or less "we fired you after your meeting but only now we will tell you this because we are knobs" and my reaction to the letter was "WAAAT WOWE MUCH AWESOME I AINT WORKING FO DEM NOW!" Yes i was happy i was not working for em anymore and still am. I am doing better things with my time now.

That's it ok rant/talky time over i'm over it.

Update: Am currently doing voluntary work for a music label production company and i am enjoying it. Still waiting on my p45 from them. I kinda miss working now....just the schedule i had i kinda miss it ah well.

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