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Tuesday 17 November 2015

Random Ramblin's - Part 18 - I am unlucky Alf!

Hey, boy have i had a shitty day. Started from work,went to my car,went to lack of sleep and a bad feeling in my stomache its so weird. Ah christ im a cranky unlucky piece of shit today! Well its been a pretty boring shitty week altogether haha. Thomas George a good friend of mine said the following about me " Scott you are officially the unluckiest person ever! All you ever do is post of how something broke or something bad happened to you haha" It is very true fair play i am also now wondering shall i write something a book maybe chronicling all the bad shit thats happened to me in life? I think it would be interesting. 

Big game reviews - I think reviews of a massive game with loads of hours of gameplay should only have reviews launched a week after the launch of a game. I just seen a fallout 4 review and it's annoyed me. How can anyone just speedrun a game for that matter if its your first gameplay you should spend hours looking around,doing the story and stuff and not going story mission to story mission as it kinda ruins a game I find. I know some gaming companies and lucky people have the game earlier than it's release date but come on sure would be nice to see reviews of massively hyped games a day or few days after its release date. I dont want to start a big fresh hugely hyped game to see people going "oh shit son must play 9.3 outta 10 ya dig it suckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" that shit is annoying just shut it. 

Lego games - Pros & Con - Pros are that it can be fun and short and easy to get achievments. Cons are its not ever that funny. The fact there is puzzles in bits where in the films the lego game is based on often or not has no or very few puzzles yet the game to make it longer i bet just puts these puzzles in for that matter. 

Kids games - Are they really for kids? Heck i admit i have a struggle on some games be it a couple lego ones or minecraft and my nieces and nephews under 10 struggle like hell on those games but say if you put them on something shit and stupid like oh call of duty? Oh they will fail at first but they will pick it up. Its pretty mental i gotta say. 

Friday 13th November 2015 - Paris. Well what can i say about the paris attacks? I am disgusted by it. Why do we have to have such arseholes in the world. Ruin innocent peoples nights and lives. Who gave them the right to take away so many people lives. Many will blame them on their ethnic origins or their religion but i just blame those individual ass holes for doing such horrible disgusting things in killing innocent unarmed people for what? WHY!?  WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO BE SUCH ASSHOLES?! WHAT GIVES THEM THE RIGHTS TO TAKE AWAY THE LIVES OF MANY INNOCENT UNARMED PEOPLE? France is a lovely country i would have liked to have visited some day but with the two attacks this year it has really put me off. LEAVE FRANCE ALONE STOP ATTACKING IT! People say we should retaliate with bombs to the country where isis hides and others say we all should close our borders and get rid of immigrants.  I think we should all have a sit down talk our problems out. THERE IS NO NEED FOR SUCH VIOLENCE! Honestly i am still so shocked and disgusted and saddened by the news of the paris attacks i hope everyone in paris is staying safe and keeps vigilant. Please look out for any trouble and suspicious people we need to be careful. The whole world needs to sort isis out they can not go around doing this. NO ONE SHOULD BE GOING ROUND CAUSING HARM TO OTHERS! IF SOMEONE BELIEVES IN SOMETHING YOU DONT WELL FUCK OFF AND LEAVE THEM BE! WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN BELIEFS,THIS IS 2015! Honestly the other nations do not need to retaliate because i am afraid it will bring more attacks but also i am afraid if we do not attack back because they may still go about destroying lives.  How can we combat it? God its such a fucked up world we live in. 

Anyway i recently went on a night out of aberdare town center on friday and saturday night and honestly it was shit!

Why do i even have skype? I don't even use it XD Same for spotify wait no i do use it but not much. Random ramblings yet again from me. I don't even use facebook stickers much tongue emoticon What am i on about? I knew i should not have fallen asleep earlier.

THE WOLF AMONG US - I recently bought and completed this game. The initial trial i played when it was first released had me not like it but since i seen it cheap and since i was bored i thought fine lets buy it and give it a proper go. I very much enjoyed it! really hope a second season comes out next year. Telltale come up strong yet again as always. It has just been so interesting and before hand no i did not know of the fable comic series before the games release but I'm interested in them now but more interested in a sequel to the game. Right what's next on my games to play list?

God i have been really hungry lately like not long after i have had food i just feel hungry again i think my eat pattern is fucked up basically.

Hope this dont jinx things but its been a week now since i heard from work. 2 weeks since i last worked. When will i get word of this disciplinary or if im fired? Yeah there is a lot to say about this bit but i will save it for another time. 

Thats all for this blog post my bloggey woggeys. 

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