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Friday 16 October 2015

Random Ramblin's - Part 16 - F and ban guns america!

Helo! How are ya? It has been a while or it feels it to me. Sorry i have not had much to say.

Right oh so off the bat i hate being an adult, friends going their separate ways so am i and just not having time to hang with them so much but aswell as that the bad news i said i had received has put me in a place where i should be with my family for a bit more than anything. I won't go into it as i have not told any of my friends either you know its tough but getting there one day at a time and that. Uni you are taking my friends away how dare you! Job you are taking my spare time away how dare you! *sigh* Moving on.

This week there was another school/college shooting in america which fucking irritates me. The fact also the news likes to bang on about the shooting and the bastard who shot killed and injured people just bringing him and his name full center stage on all the headlines its disgusting and future criminals who are mentally unattached are seeing this shit everywhere and must be like "oh cool i can do that and be famous?!" STOP IT! America wake the fuck up! You are a pretty rad county dude but for fuck sake you would rather ban Kinder Eggs than fucking guns you fucking backwards country and drive on the right side of the road! I like america and its culture and have friends there but god fucking damn it! WE SHOULD BE LUCKY WE HAVE EDUCATION NOT GUN HAPPY! Schools in america need security and a gun ban, this is fucking atrocious. America wake up and sort the people out. The people have rights to sort themselves out but its not happening is it?! Why and how do people just go "oh i hate this class time to kill people for it" or "oh im being bullied better kill em all" if you hate a class just slack off do not go "time to pop some caps" you bellends! If you are being bullied tough it out! TAKE NO NOTICE! I have been bullied i wanted people dead but did i take weapons to school to sort the fuckers out NO! Why? COMMON FUCKIN SENSE! Violence solves nothing! Why!? JUST WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS!? sad sad day sad sad america. Honestly america get a gun ban! 

Anyway i seen dragonball z: Resurrection of f in cinemas friday night woop woop and it was amazing! First time i seen an anime film and dbz film in a cinema and the cinema was packed for it which is so good! The film was funny and great and it gave me goosebumps and spine tingling stuff from some scenes and honestly i would have preferred the film to have ended to what was being hyped and hinted at rather than the films ending but you know its nothing much i liked the ending i loved the film it all worked out well and there was even an end credits scene and for the film i definitely felt the aim of the film to be more comical but it still had the intense fighting scenes that dbz is well known for. Dbz has comedy and action and this film had both but it was more on the comedy side but anyway i have to rate it 6 dragonballs out of 7 haha a weird rating choice right? Well honestly it had to be done. The visuals,characters and soundtrack was awesome! I want more dbz films now!!!!!! 

I got a cold......colds suck! Ah i want to talk more about the new dbz film but spoilers so i have to control myself. I shaved my crappy patchy beard off. My tache still lives however haha. Update: I no longer have a cold and my beard is growing back stubbly bubbly!

Boy george looks like that guy from good charlotte these days.....

Bought all of karl pilkingtons books the other day. They were all on sale so yonk. Off to see slipknot again next year. Good couple gigs in cardiff next year i hope i can go to them all.  Off to see machine head aswell! 

blogger is so annoying at times like.

Not sure what else to write so ta ta!

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