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Wednesday 7 October 2015

Album review: Trivium - Silence in the snow (deluxe edition cd)

First thoughts of the cd packaging and the cd disc. I love the smell of new cds. Well i thought a deluxe edition cd would have a nice outer sleeve but this is just a plain cd ah well i am going to open it now and wow the cd disc looks nice. Lets see the lyric book i love these in cds......oh its full of pics and no lyrics? What the fuck this is not what i want with a cd i want lyrics great now i will scour online to lyrics to songs i like fuck sake mun. Now already you can bet your arse that this album is heavily influenced by snow haha i just wanted to say that.Ok lets go its on my laptop lets listen.

Song 1 is Snowfall which is a lovely soft piece of music that is reminding me of the 80s batman movie theme in parts how odd right next track.

Song 2 i have heard many a times silence in the snow the instrumentals are top notch and Heafy's clean vocals are a great change i welcome i also have done a vocal cover of the track before so you know i love this song.

Song 3 i have also heard before the album's release since Trivium released 3 songs prior to the album of course many bands do this to promote the new album and show off new songs its a good idea. Straight away the instrumentals sounds power metal like in a way and something from a past album maybe ascendancy with still Heafy's soft clean vocals. Blind leading the blind is another good track.

Song 4 dead and gone ohwwshhhh that intro was heavy dude! Echoey clean soft vocals with some gruff the theme for this album i feel is Heafy showing off his cleans and i feel i will be saying or typing that a lot here but oh well it is a nice change ohhhh that solo is sweet! My ears are happy and ohh a nice vocal solo with long notes held that's good i like that. Ohh the end of the song is lovely too instrumental wise i love the gritty heavy sound.

Song 5 here we go cymbal cymbal crash crash oh strum dum strum and another clean vocal track and song 5 is called ghost that's haunting you. This is a pretty good track. The solo here is pretty good too. I would like to point out i am not an official critic or anything just you know giving my opinion on this new album first time i am hearing it.

Song 6 Pull me from the void. Oh oh that's a nice lil riff yes yes yes i am digging this shit! Yep you guessed it more clean vocals the chorus is pretty good and the drums too!

Song 7 until the world goes cold and yes like song 2 & 3 it was released prior to the album and i have heard many times its a great track the drums and vocals are great. The da na na na on the guitar is great too i like that its catchy sorry if i can not name the chords. God i just realised I've almost finished the album already there's 13 songs on deluxe and 11 on standard.

Song 8 rise above the tides well this sounds like a song perfect for in waves nice instruments and you can guess how the vocals are. All songs have been good so far and have a catchy bit to them this track to me feels ok but oh solo is very nice screechy and heavy drumming to support it very good oh god that was a good solo and its still going and going.............and back to vocals sweet. I want to do a vocal cover of this entire album.....getting off track but this is actually a good song now i know i changed my mind right at the end of it but sorry i could not help it.

Song 9 the thing that's killing me owshhhh errrrrrrr meeeh gawd that was a perfect intro guitar was very power metal like in screeches and yes surprise surprise clean vocals yet again. Not a bad song so far yet i'm just a min into it. Oh wait wait a min the track sounded like an avenged sevenfold track then which one though i can not remember wait almost easy it was the dur dada dada dur dur. Solo god damn it please Corey keep up the awweeesome solos they have really been saving these past few tracks.

Song 10 beneath the sun was an ok song i mean i was not paying full attention tbh i was talking on Facebook chat to a friend while it was playing but ah well clean vocals as ever no surprise man i am missing the screams and aggressiveness of in waves right now.

Song 11 ohwshhhhhhhhhh the drums are so great here. The lyrics are not fully clean in this song surprisingly they are a bit clean but its gruff aswell you know. pretty good track. COREY YOU BOSS LOOK AT HIM BRINGING THE SOLOS! Oh my the acoustic to end the song is a great choice hey why cant we have some acoustic and aggressiveness trivium plz!?


Song 12 Cease all your fire Ohhhhhhhhhshwwwwwwww heavy intro i likey a lot! Come on trivium i love the cleans but i want more aggression too can we have a balanced album of cleans heavy aggressive and acoustic next time? Not a bad song though. God damn the bass is amazing!

Song 13 darkness of my mind  Hmm not sure what to think of this intro and oh 30 seconds mark it kicked off more nice intro more clean vocals and can i point out i am liking the lyrics here. This songs good. Nice solo too i like this track i dont know what else to say.

Ok album over my first listen to the album is finished and it took 1 hour! Its and ok album overall you know i would probably give it a 7/10 for first listen its like disturbeds and ffdp's albums it took me a few listens to fully appreciate them and love them like this will do i believe. Good album go have a listen and anything you want to say and add to my review of sorts do it please.
I wish for them to return to in waves in regards of heaviness but i also want them to just do a balanced album like i mentioned some heavy sounds and some clean with some acoustic tracks you know i think that would be really good. I love Trivium i have all of their studio albums to date so you know i do love the band where do i rank this album with the rest? Oh probably 4th? I love ascendancy crusade and in waves best in my top 3. Gonna listen to those right now actually!

                                                                    TA TA FOR NOW!

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