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Friday 27 September 2019

Top 10 Disney Pixar Films

Disney are giants of western animation right? Maybe Kings and so they have their prince Pixar to also cover the pace and pick up any slack and to grab any further earnings and money Disney possibly can because they love moneh! 
10: Ratatouille 
This is easily the most underrated pixar movie. It is funny, the animation of Paris is gorgeous, the characters are memorable, and it really sucks you into the environment. I only recently seen this too.

9: Cars
Most people don't have the attitude to appreciate cars for what it really is about, you can say all you want about its imperfections (granted its not the best) but cars delivers. Character development is obviously present and noticeable, funny scenes, nice race sequences and a variety of characters is what made me love this movie as a kid.

8: The Good Dinosaur
This is a way too underrated movie. The story and animation are beautiful and I personally love it. It teaches kids how to overcome their fears and how their is beauty in things they never would have guessed before! Along with some humor that adults would enjoy too!

7: The Incredibles
The Incredibles is a wonderful adventure that provides the perfect combination of the best of superhero movies, along with family comedy. It's hilarious to see two superheroes fight like husband and wife!

6: Toy Story 3
I grew up with toy story and the third one delivered! Great plot and very emotional it did not miss a step in teaching us about the bond between kids and their beloved toys.

A powerful, beautiful film. You've gotta love how Pixar can make love blossom without words. Wall-E is likeable and sweet, an amazing character. Wall E and EVE are so cute! 

4: Finding Nemo
A wonderful, hilarious film that is definitely a personal favorite. I still occasionally like to shout "Mine! " like a seagull when grabbing something.

3: Toy Story 2
Toy Story is like the original Star Wars movie because this movie is the Empire Strikes Back of the trilogy. It's so great I can't even fit all of its greatness into this comment. The theme about everything coming to an end and whether we should accept it sooner or wait it out is a very mature dilemma and probably the best in the pixar movies. The visuals in the movie are purely stunning. The airport scene, Al's Toy Barn, and the scene where Woody gets restored are imprinted in my mind forever and they could be a short on their own. Jesse's back story and song always makes me cry. I love this one so much. 

2: A Bugs Life
The intriguing plot, the well-developed characters, the visuals. They're all amazing. The plot is so dark and light-hearted at the same time. One point you see insects dancing, the next you see them being fed to birds. I'd love a sequel, I love this movie.

1: Toy Story
The best seriously what other one could be number one? This gave Pixar their big break, It has a great story, amazing animation and memorable characters. I also really love the songs and overall i really love this film. First disney pixar film i have ever seen and it's my all time fave from them. 

Honourable Mentions
Brave, Toy Story 4 & Coco

That's my list, thanks for visiting my blog, come back again soon for more and lots of other different lists and feel free to suggest topics anytime. 

Stay Shiny!

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