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Friday 19 April 2019

Top 10 Wrestlemania Entrances!

It's that time of the year WRESTLEMANIA BAYBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Although Mania has been and gone let's reflect upon some of the best entrances. Let's list up all the best entrances i have seen up to now from the grandest stage of them all!

RULES: 1 ENTRANCE PER MANIA AND 1 ENTRANCE PER WRESTLER! So this will be tough as HHH has so many great entrances and some others but here we go.

10: Shawn Michaels - WM 12
This was so unique and cool HBK jut descending from atop the arena it's one that stands out among the legendary entrances we have seen over the 35 years of mania. 

9: Bray Wyatt - WM 30
Who do you voodoo when Bray Wyatt enters the arena with weird creepy voodo dancing followed by a band of plague doctors playing his theme song. Certainly unique and a fave of mine for the creepy character. 

8: Shinsuke Nakamura - WM 34
A most glorious entrance here which is metal as fuck with Nita Strauss performing aswell as a butt load of violinists to play out The King Of Strong Style himself as the crowd also chants along with the song simply epic. 

7: The New Day -  WM 32
Supersized booty-o's containing saiyan armoured new day? Well it's on this list it's pretty darn sweet to see DBZ and WWE together and i love it, it's something else. 

6: The Undertaker - WM 19
Keep the list on rollin baybeeeeee with American Badass himself being played out by Bizkit. 

5: Stone Cold Steve Austin - WM 13
It's Austin's turn to enter the list, the words "Austin 3:16" appeared on the screen before smashing in sync with his legendary entrance theme. What happened next was arguably the greatest match in WWE history, granting his swagger even more significance.

4: Rusev - WM 31
He came out on a tank played by the national anthem of russia so you know it's a good one!

3: CM Punk - WM29
The final WrestleMania appearance for CM Punk, who would be gone from the company by the time the PPV's next installment rolled into town, and what a way to go out as he took on The Undertaker. Arguably the WWE's standout performer in the two years heading into WrestleMania 29. Living Colour, blasted its most notable song, "Cult of Personality," to the live crowd in New Jersey as it showed appreciation for Punk's suitable entrance music. 

2: Hardy Boyz - WM 33
All was normal in this mania until New Day came and said there's going to be another team in the tag match and it was all so suspenseful until the Hardy's music hit and the place and myself errupted in sheer joy to see an old fave tag team back in the WWE on the grandest stage of them all.  

1: Triple H - WM 21
Metal and epic as fuck HHH has the best entrances no doubt about it on the grandest stage of them all he is the grandest of them all and this time MotorHead played him out was epic. Emerging in the middle of the band whilst they played HHH rose up, spat some water out and went to work.

And that's my list, did any of your faves make the cut? If not comment and let me know your faves. 
Til next time, stay shiny!

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