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Friday 14 September 2018

The Predator Film Series RANKED & Reviewed

So I've just arrived home after watching The Predator the sequel in the Predator franchise directed by Shane Black. The trailers made the film out to be trash, i'll be honest i thought this new predator film would bomb, it would suck. I actually enjoyed it to be honest. Although I have some nitpicks i liked it and it was not a letdown after all for me. So stick around for the ultimate hunter!


AVP won't be officially on this list since they are considered to be in a universe of their own. Also there was no big mention of them in The Predator so it's not canon. There was a spear with an alien tail attached in the background of one scene which looked like the one from AVP 1 BUT that is all no other mention or weapon in The Predator from the AVP series. AVP is considered a reboot of sorts for both series when it released since it was years since the last instalments in both universes. Don't get me wrong there's some awesome scenes in both films and cool ideas but that's it, not officially apart of the canon universe. 

The Predator
The newest instalment is also the funniest and possibly goriest entry despite not being a fully fledged 18 rated film here in the uk like the rest of the series. The game changes in this film with Pred and 2 being the predecessors to this film so it's carrying on that story and not the one from AVP or Predators. This film introduces many new things to the Pred-iverse. Prediverse? Yeah ok that's mine i used it first lol So in this universe we have previously known these intergalactic hunters come to Earth and other planets hunting for sport to see who is worthy and what not but this film basically makes the preds and this film out to be just another general alien invasion/takeover film, they want our planet, which has never been the documented case in the first two pred films of course. The lore was always in pred 1 and 2 they come to hunt to get the thrill of a kill to rank up in their clans and what not and build an impressive trophy collection. Soundtrack in this was very unnoticeable besides the traditional Pred theme but i think it was not used that well here in this film. Characters were great but god damn did some become forgettable and got snuffed out fast near the end of the film. I reacted quite a bit to this film, from being sad about a character death to being shocked at something to being tense to being happy to others. This was the funniest goriest and most heartfelt entry to this series. Seriously it surprised me too! There's some new additions which are weird to the series this film has brought in the Pred Hounds i mean they were tough but they were pretty short lived. The Mega Predator was scary man like that thing was super duper tough but i think there could have been a longer better fight with it. The "Fugitive" Predator was cool and it was very different from any predator we have had before, he (i'm going to say he, fuck it) was very intellectual. All the new tech this film showed off though OMG INSANE!!!! A huge scary highlights are the scenes where we see the Predators eye's how they just open them and they light up so bright and just paints a creepy picture, there's one who has blood leak on his face and we see his head turn and eyes open and i was like "oh jeezus help me" and there was another where one was pretty spider like hangin above eating Prey and then it looks down as a torch shines on its face i was like "O mah lawd" haha. Overall rate it 7/10

Predator 2
Looking back at it this has some cheesy and funny moments of course. Danny Glover playing the hot headed Harrigan is entertaining but him and this film is hard to fill the boots of it's predecessor. The environment has changed but the hunt remains the same. This has some cool and great scenes and lines and it opened up the lore for the preds a lot more. 7/10

The hunt goes back to the jungle but it's now on an alien planet with people of all races, genders and back grounds are picked up and put on this planet to duke it out with nature, pred dogs, the elements, other people and most importantly PREDATORS! There's a team of Predators here most are bad but there's one good pred in the group who does try helping the humans but fails and we get an Arnie-esque pred one show down with this Beserker Predator who is the ugliest s.o.b we have seen in the series. Some great scenes with great action and character but there's so much untold left to discover from this film that i hope we get some resolution or expansion at some point. 8/10

Of course the first is the best. This big 80's muscle buffed action piece started the series and still holds up, it has tense and horror moments too which i feel are missing in the series a bit because they have not been done aswell as this one was well the latest installment had 2 cool scary scenes which were cool as shit to have seen but besides that the predator has not been shown off to be a fierce hunter as this one was for some time. In a future predator film we need the horror back and i'd like the mythos and some stories to be wrapped up, hell expand upon them and bring old characters back be a cool trip too. Some iconic lines in this film. Soundtrack is beast from the theme song to the iconic Long Tall Sally being played. 9/10

GET TO THE CHOPPA because that's my list and thats the series ranked and reviewed all done. 

Let's hope we get another soon which continues the series and is good aswell. 

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