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Wednesday 19 September 2018

Marvel Spider-Man Ps4 Game Review - Wall Crawlingly Good

Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does what ever a spider can? But can he procreate like a spider can? HMMMMMMM? Is he strong? Listen bud, he's got radioactive blood. So does his blood glow? Hmmmm. Can he swing from a thread? Take a look overhead, Hey, there! There goes the Spider-man. In the chill of the night, At the scene of a crime, Like a streak of light he arrives just in time. Well then why is he always late to his work or college or school life huh?, Spiderman, Spiderman, friendly neighbourhood, Spiderman. Wealth and fame, he ignores, action is his reward. Ahem, well with all the crime fighting he does he does not ignore fame he is famous he has been given the key to his city and other things time to time so come on now he does not ignore fame does he? Look out, here comes the Spiderman. Spiderman, Spiderman, friendly neighbourhood, Spiderman
Wealth and fame, he ignores, action is his reward to him, life is a great big bang up, whenever there's a hang up, You'll find the Spiderman!
Alright I got the classic theme song to fill us into the intro for my review, if that don't make you happy, I'm not sure what will.

Anyway, here we are at one of the biggest, long awaited games in recent times and it's selling a shed load and breaking charts left, right and centre with reviews blaring positivity and SPOILER ALERT! My review too will be bursting with positivity for this spectacular, amazing astonishing game. It's a safe bet to expect spoilers so read with caution as great spoilers contain great responsibility. 

I will try to make this as spoiler free as possible!
Right from the start the graphics are photo realistic and just there's so much detail and love put into this game, it's beast and gorgeous to look at on the standard ps4 so i cannot imagine the difference on the ps4 pro.

The score is also lovely it's just like the mcu music it compliments the game so well and when the score kicks off when you are diving from buildings or swinging around it makes you feel like a superhero!
The gameplay - The swinging is perfect no quarrel it's still more or less the same system implemented from Spiderman 2 game which was the webs connect to buildings and you're swing the momentum works like a pendulum which is how he swings aswell more or less. So you know it's perfect, it can be very fast depending on momentum and it's an addiction and so satisfying to swing about through the bustley big apple in the day or night. 
Combat is good and fast and can be expanded upon with the use of our skills and upgrades and gadgets so it can be a bit deeper. I feel the combat could be expanded upon with more moves for example you remember those webbed gloves you could use for extra damage in old spiderman games or that web cocoon move, i loved these two and to see them again be cool but you know they should or could be in the sequel if we will get one anyway. Stealth gameplay is fine perhaps a bit more could be added to that aswell but like i said overall combat is fine. Only sides i am iffy with is the parkour and the wall crawling like it does not always work or when it does it's awkward with awkward inverted controls or camera while wall crawling but hey it's nothing major to worry about. Also after a while i have found the combat gets a bit boring but this is at the point where i have finished the story and am now going through all the crimes in the districts so you know it's not a straight away thing. 
There's Puzzles in this and they are smart but simplistic and i did enjoy doing them and i only struggled on a small handful of them but you can skip them if you want but i did not. 

Photo mode is a blast honestly every few mins or so i seem to be using it and creating screenshots for fun and sharing them with my friends and just the general public in general, i love the mode. Also fun fact the photo's you see here are all from me in photo mode in game. 
There's a lot of costumes to be unlocked and some i love some i don't really care for or use you know but i appreciate the effort and the designs and the powers more or less all the suits come with. My most used is White Spider just because it's original and different but this game i admit has made me love Tom Holland's outfit now. Just looks so good in this game.

The environment as i said is lovely and it's chocka block with side quests, collectables, towers, bases and photo ops to discover and unlock and collect,  for the most part in my play-through i have done the side quests and collectables more than the story. After i collected all bags, towers, black cats, kingpin bases and side quests then i moved onto the next chapter of the story to act 2 and i'd do the same in act 2 more time spent doing side quests than doing the main story it's fun. Side quest in terms of the bases do feel the same and there's not a lot of difference in the bases really so that can get repetitive.
Voice acting is great. Like all the emotion is delivered and these characters don't feel robotic so you know great stuff and they just feel or seem real!

The story is something we have not gotten before, sure the iconic characters old and new are here well some anyway because you can't fit them all in one single game of course. Right from the get go you could tell what you're about to play is something special with Alive blasting from the Warbly Jets it's just an immense start to one hell of an immense experience. This story has elements we all know and expect drama, the unbalanced but relatable life of Peter Parker and the heroics of a superhero of course but it's put on a pedestal to be a worthy competitor to the MCU since it's style is very in keep with that universe but it's not set there it's set in its own. Spidey is full of humor as you could expect also. You do also play as other character in the game which are Mary Jane and Miles Morales and their sections are very stealth based but fine to play the pace only slows down during these bits but the pace is replaced with tension. Not to spoil anything but the final mission and ending broke me, i was an emotional mess with many tears shed. The relationships built between characters is amazing and all feels so realistic and it puts your heart in there you feel for these characters. Also after the credits there's two post credit scenes one made me smile and warm and happy and the other had me wide eyed and ask so many questions. 
Spider-Man is back and back in force with Playstation's greatest if not one of their greatest games and exclusives ever made. This generation of gaming has been stamped Sony because they have slayed the gaming scene with their constant hard hitting exclusive games. 

After completing this game i recommend you all buy the prelude to the game book called Hostile Takeover. 

Thank you Marvel, Sony and Insomniac for bringing us the best spider-man game to date!

Solid 9/10!

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