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Friday 18 May 2018

MACHINE Fucking, Fucking, Fucking HEAD!

Fuck! What a gig three times I have seen these incredible metal giants and that's why there's three F's between Machine and Head because it was fucking....fucking.....fucking......HOSTILE!
Start of the night and a low light photo. 
So let's start the day, I get up, I can't come down, the room is spinning round and round and that's Abracadabra but seriously Mr Blue Sky was out in force and it was fucking scorchio. I went on the train and I was all by myself first gig I went alone, well I was not alone I met friend I don't see much of the beast that is Lloyd Newman. We chilled out caught up queued in line outside The Great Hall in Cardiff and waited for the Imperium to let loose.

Met this guy down there who had his appendix out recently called Sam became friends with him, he's a tidy guy so shoutout to him! Met some random people too and drunks that were fist bumping me and Lloyd and they were hugging us and even offering us stuff and we declined everything besides the fist bumps of course because, i'm a reasonable party square who don't need no booze or other things to party. I had the one beer it was rank not had that "Best Larger In The World" in god know how long but i pretty much sweated it out end of the night haha I was a big pile of sweat as ever from a MH gig.
End of night stage photo. 
From the moment MH came on and the pit was about to start for Imperium Lloyd looked at me yelled "PITTTTTTT" and that was the last time i ever saw Lloyd, it was a midsummer's day and I, Morgan Freeman narrated such a tale of the boy who went missing inside the circle pit. Haha but don't worry Lloyd was fine got home safe and was only left bruised from the pit but he will recover!

I was pretty much front row by barricade all night UP UNTIL the last two songs because I felt like i was gonna pass out, I could not breath and i was so dehydrated. I was also pissed off from being squashed, punched and having bodies land on my head that i needed a drink or i for sure was gonna pass out so i spent an extortion amount of money on a bottle of water and i downed it in seconds of having it, which in layman's terms is a fraction of a nanosecond i believe but i'm making that shit up i don't know how fast i downed it but it was fast. 
There i lay on the floor for old and first time ever at a gig i spewed on the floor, i needed a break, so i was on my knees until the middle of Halo where i then stood back up and sang along and worked my way back to the center before the song ended sadly did not get back to my spot or get a pic or drum stick from the guys but hey 2 years ago i met them i don't give a fuck haha I would have loved to have won the MVR shirt but ah well. I left the building 11am and awaited a pick up from my dad, the legend that he is. Got back to Aberdare and went for a mcdonalds because MAN was i hungry and thirsty!
Only pic I took of the band while they were playing. 
It was the roughest gig i have been to to be honest wont lie. The basic highlights are: Could not breathe but I survived up until last two songs and then I was like I can't do this anymore and went to the bar to get drink and just spewed on the floor while I was resting. I have not been that bad ever at a gig. So many fucking people landed on my head. This couple was chatting with me and Lloyd for ages and soon as machine head came on i gave them a boost up and chucked em over barricade haha. Met this guy who had his appendix out he added me on fb Sam and he's tidy. Accidentally punched this guy aswell haha Robb was like hey and do your fists and I did it and boom I was like oh fuck I slowed it down then. Killer set from MH as ever they do not disappoint!


Now We Die
Beautiful Mourning
The Blood, the Sweat, the Tears
Clenching the Fists of Dissent
Guitar Solo (Phill Demmel)
Darkness Within
From This Day
Ten Ton Hammer
Is There Anybody Out There?
Beyond the Pale
Drum Solo (Dave McClain)
Killers & Kings
Behind a Mask
None but My Own
Triple Beam
Aesthetics of Hate
Game Over

So yeah, thanks for stopping by and reading this junk!
Catch ya later headcases!
This photo MH posted on facebook, hopefully its ok for me to use this just to share a photo of all the headcases in cardiff. 

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