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Saturday 16 December 2017

Top 10 Pokemon

Hey, what's going on? So today i decided to go ahead and list my top 10 Pokemon. I was supposed to bring this out in time for Sun and Moon ultra but hey oh i forgot. 

10) Ash's Greninja
This badass looking powerful Pokemon is loyal to Ash and so has had this immense evolution to become this. I have only had this Greninja with me in Pokemon Sun and what a pokemon, got me out of tight battles. 

9) Lucario
Lucario is the best hands down. It's the coolest non-legendary pokemon ever created and even has a movie named after it. It may have many weaknesses but it has great move-set to back itself up. It was also the first Pokemon to Mega Evolve!

8) Venusaur
He can learn a good array of moves that can deal immense damage and he can poison, paralyze, and put the opponent to sleep! He is a valuable tool in battle and i'd consider one of the best grass types. 

7) Pidgeot
This pokemon is always a must have on my team since Pokemon Blue. Love Pidgeot great pokemon and asset to any team. 

6) Feraligatr
Its hydro cannon is like EPIC. Its one of the best starters in all of Pokemon. He has an AWESOME design and... He's one of my favourite Pokemon. 

5) Machoke
Strong and cool design with a killer move set this is always a great asset to a wrestling fans team of pokemon let's be honest. 

4) Decidueye
The robin hood of pokemon is what i call him. My fave starter pokemon from Sun well you know Rowlett you start with but as you progress you get this badass. 

3) Giratina
Giratina is a total BEAST. It knows Destiny Bond! So when he/she/it (I'll call it he by the way) is defeated, the opponent is dead too! Giratina could literally beat anyone. Shadow Force is like a 10x stronger move than Phantom Force, and it can break through all protections!

2) Charizard
It's a simple pokemon but its strong. Its true that charizard isn't a rare pokemon. But its cool to know that this pokemon is great even its just a normal pokemon. Its power is really great with quite speed. 
1) Mew-Two
Of course i picked the most badass pokemon of all time to be my number 1! Mewtwo is unique. It wasn't created by Arceus. Mewtwo is not only strong, but also extremely intelligent. What else do you want me to say about Mew-Two, it's Mew-Two for god sake haha. 

Well that's my list, i hope you caught all that. Thanks for reading!

What does your top 10 look like? Let me know!

Stay Shiny!

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