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Wednesday 4 October 2017

Top 10 Spiderman Costumes

*Thwip thwip* Oh hi there, it's me your friendly neighbourhood 1stMetalGod! Just here blogging once again this time with Spiderman and my fave costumes of his! 
Some spider costumes on my list wont be all by Peter Parker.....tell me who is your fave spidey!

10) Superior Suit Mk2
To make himself a better Spider-Man, Octavius designed a new suit similar to the original Spider-Man suit, but with some modifications, these being that blue on the original costume was now replaced with black, the design of the symbol on the back was changed, the web design on the mask (mainly around the nose) was changed, the design of the belt is spikier, the lenses on the mask were now made of glass and could show a Heads-Up Display, all of the fingers on the gloves have retractable claws on them, and the big toe on both boots is separated from the rest of the foot and both have retractable talons. He further modified it, lacing carbonadium in the mask to prevent a mind-switch, a built-in communications device to activate nano-spider-tracers, and creating "spider-arms" on the back; as a possible homage to his previous identity. I think this one is very similar to Ben Reilly's suit and i like both a lot but there's something about this one that makes it here. 

9) Iron Spider
Before the events of the Superhuman Civil War, Tony Stark fabricated a new red and gold costume for Peter, utilizing much of the same technology used for his Iron Man suit, with the main difference being the suit's mesh-like quality. This new suit provided Peter with advantages he never had before in other costumes, such as radio transmission scanners and receivers, multiple biological sensors for himself and others (such as EKG readings, pulse rates, etc.), multiple vision settings, deflection of small caliber firearms, enhanced strength and limited gliding capabilities. The Iron Spider costume also provided Peter with three retractable pseudo-arms, named waldoes, though they weren't ideal for fighting. If Peter ever felt that he would like a change of pace in his appearance, Stark also built in a feature for the costume to change its appearance at Peter's will. This was an ideal feature for Peter because he never had to worry about trying to hide his suit in public. We also got our first live action sneak peak at the suit in Spiderman: Homecoming and it looked nice but was missing the arms. 

8) Stealth Suit
Spider-Man created this suit to combat the Hobgoblin's sonic screams; the suit warps light and sound around it, rendering it invisible. It was later changed when Kaine had it. 

7) All-New, All-Different Spider-Man 2099
When Miguel joined Parker Industries, Peter created a new Spider suit for him. This version glows red, and can change colour. The suit material is Unstable Molecules bonded to kevlar to increase durability immensely. It has better-integrated "light byte" material to improve gliding, and thrusters integrated into the boots for launch. Distance offensive capabilities are provided by "spider-saucers" running down the sleeves and integrating into the gloves, and the suit also has on-board sensors for complete vicinity readings. I love the design of the suit more then the original. 

6) Noir 
Set in an alternate Earth during the great depression Peter found his Uncle was killed and wanted revenge. a spider statue – breaks open and releases a horde of spiders. One of the spiders bit Peter, causing him to pass out and dream of a spider god. After waking up, Peter discovered he possessed arachnid superpowers. Donning a mask, Peter confronted Norman Osborn in his home in order to get him to give up his hold over the city. However, Peter was shocked to discover Urich, who was revealed to have been blackmailing Osborn with his information on the mob boss in exchange for fueling his drug habit. Angered, Peter left Urich. Upon returning home, Peter created a costume based on his uncle's World War I-era airman uniform and became the vigilante, Spider-Man. This suit is really unique and i love it!

5)  Cosmic Spider
After defeating the Tri-Sentinel, the Uni-Power chose to remain with Peter Parker, apparently due to his heightened sense of responsibility. Spider-Man soon came to see his old sparring partners as pedestrian threats, dispatching the likes of Venom and Hobgoblin with little effort. His sense of responsibility led Parker to attack larger and larger problems in the world, ignoring his personal responsibilities and his wife, Mary Jane. This continued until he tried to alter the basic earth and weather patterns of Africa to make it lush and arable. This brought him into conflict with Thor and then Doctor Doom, who wanted to steal the Enigma Force using his Absorbascann. Doom tried using Captain Universe's original host, Ray Coffin, as a hostage, but Parker let him die while trying to get at Doom. Spider-Man realized the Uni-Power was corrupting his sense of responsibility and expelled it. The Uni-Power briefly entered Doom, only to discover it was a mere Doombot. As Spider-Man became Captain Universe again, he used the Absorbascann to release the power of the Enigma Force from his body over the entire world. The cost was his spider-powers as well as the Uni-Power, leaving Peter Parker a normal man. Or so it seemed until he and Mary Jane gave birth to a baby daughter with signs of the Uni-Power within her. I always thought his outfit was very unusual, unique and cool. 

4) Future Foundation Suit
This suit was created for Spider-Man when he joined the Future Foundation following the death of the Human Torch. It is made from Unstable Molecules, thus it can repair itself, never get dirty, and change its appearance.

3) Spider Armour Mk3
Created by Peter Parker with Horizon Labs vast resources to fight the Sinister Six if needed in a last resort. When Doctor Octopus started his last master plan before dying, Spider-Man knew he would have to use it to stop Octopus' attempt to speed up the Greenhouse effect. The design on this is sic! 

2) Symbiote
During the Secret Wars, Spider-Man's costume was torn during battle and he was sent to a machine that would repair it. Unknown to Spider-Man, the machine was actually a prison that contained an alien symbiote, which copied Spider-Man's thoughts about the costume worn by Spider-Woman, and created a duplicate of it. Both during and after the Secret War, Spider-Man learned that the costume could respond to his thoughts, change its shape, and create a seemingly unlimited amount of organic webbing. However, after wearing the suit for some time, he began to feel unusually tired and consulted his friends, Reed Richards and Jonathan Storm. Richards said that the suit was actually an alien creature and that it was taking him web-swinging every night while he slept. Spider-Man then had Mr. Fantastic and the Human Torch remove the costume using both a sound wave generator and fire, as its only weaknesses are loud sound waves and intense heat, and locked it in a protective case. The suit eventually escaped and hung itself in Peter's closet, disguised as one of his red and blue costumes. Unfortunately, Peter grabbed the symbiote and it reattached itself to him, which forced Spider-Man to use the bells housed in Our Ladies of Saints church to remove the suit. Many issues later, the suit secretly found and bonded to Eddie Brock, who became Venom. I know there was no need to explain this suit as everyone and their grandmothers know the story but it's still awesome and the story gets changed a lot and this is the official first comic story of the suit.

1) Classic Red & Blue
Of course this is number 1! This is the traditional suit that Spider-Man has used throughout his career. It is made from a skintight cloth, most likely Spandex or similar. The costume is mostly blue with red gloves, boots, mid-section, and mask. Peter designed a web pattern that covers the red portions of the suit, starting at the mask. The suit also has a black spider in the centre of the chest and a larger red spider on the back, both of different designs. The mask has plastic lenses with a chrome covering that allow Peter to see out, without letting others see in. The lenses also protect Peter's eyes from dust particles and the glare of the sun while he is swinging through the city. In addition, the mask helps to conceal Peter's identity by muffling his voice, thus making it unrecognisable to others. He also wears a twin set of web shooters on his wrists under the gloves. A web cartridge belt is also worn under the suit, which has a spider-signal on the buckle. The suit also contains a special ear-piece that protects Spider-Man from the effects of Hobgoblin's sonic attack. Spider-Man has recently updated the lenses of the suit to protect himself from Iguana's hypnotic stare.

Which suit is your favourite? 

For now that's all from me, thanks for visiting and reading, stay shiny! 

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