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Friday 2 September 2016

Top 10 Machine Head songs.

What's up head cases? 

You good?

Here's a list of my top 10 machine head songs. This was very tough to put together like any other list i have made quite frankly. 

I have seen machine head twice and i have met the guys. They are legends! 


Here we go at 10 we have this colossal mother fucker! Killer song live fair play. This kicks off Machine head's second studio album titled the more things change. If you want me to give a definition or opinion on what the music means i can not think right now of anything but hey its a good fucking song and does a song need some deep meaning? Let's move on. 

What a fucking killer song. It opens the first album i ever listened to in full by machine head with their album Unto the locust. This song to me paints a perfect picture of the horsemen of the apocalypse coming down and causing much destruction. Also it does have little bits that make me think its about a female pyromaniac dealing with shit after a breakup and well shit happens shall we say. 

Off the same album as the last this one is a very interesting. This one is all about life, about going through those tough times where the powers above so called religious beliefs do not work so we turn to our only other savior music. Music sets you free. 

Ho shit it's that time.....time to let freedom ring! Coming straight in at 7 is Davidian from burn my eyes i would say it's the best track on the album. Davidian's most popular meaning has been this "a Davidian is a follower of David Koresh. Some psycho, charles manson wanna-be, who started a big religous cult back in the early 90s. And they killed a few of their own, and when police came to investiage, the Davidians fired on the police. Was a huge shoot-out and like 20 or 30 people died. It happened in Waco, Texas in 1993." I'm sure Davidian has other meanings, but that is probably the most popular one.

6: The blood,the sweat,the tears
A song all about hard work pretty much from the burning red album this is my 6th place. It's a fucking awesome track! 

The second song i ever heard from machine head believe it or not. It's fucking killer seriously killer!!!! Rage filled song symbolizing the breakdowns we can have and the dark times in life. Rob Flynn said in an interview before i believe in Metal Hammer:"This is one of the more personal songs on the album, and is basically about when I was much younger and fried on acid, really depressed and took a razorblade to my wrists. Something stopped me, but I don't know what."

Another one from the locust album because it's fucking epic man! The song is representing exodus you know that bible story it's one of the plagues. However Phil Demmel said this about the track at one interview: ""Locust", is a concept I came up with, based on a few people I have encountered in my life, just like everybody has. The type of person that just comes into your life under a different guise, under false pretenses, to befriend you, be your buddy, be your man, be on your team, or, you know, to be your lover or whatever. Their goal is just to soak up all your resources and just to drain you of all you've got, whatever you have to offer. Once they're discovered, they fly off into the next crop and drain that of everything. Yeah, it just feels like hell."

If you want to get me pumped up and lose my voice play this song. I know it word for word i have lost my voice multiple times singing this with my raw guttering power in my car on the way to work, on my way home from work,in work,in my house or at a machine head gig. I FUCKING LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH!!!! From the vocals,lyrics,drums,bass,guitar i love it all. There's a lot going on through this song death and torture among others play a big part in the song and video not to be the one to point out the obvious but there we go. ENJOY THE SONG!

Halo is a fucking masterpiece of music, one of the best songs machine head has and will play live. Rob Flynn said this: "This is basically an anti-religion song, about the stuff that's been going on in America like them trying to make abortions illegal again. It's a halo over our demise". This is about how America, though supposedly a country of freedom, is still under the strangelhold of Christianity, as evidenced with the recent abortion debates. This song reflects exactly how I feel about religion and America - that society is still under it's grasp, no matter how progressive we claim to be. It's a sad, epic call for freedom from the chains of Christianity."Also the track is the short music video version i have linked. THE FULL ONE IS SO MUCH BETTER! check it here -

At number one is what i believe is the first ever machine head song i ever heard and loved. Dedicated to Dime. "Aesthetics Of Hate" is a response to William Grim, who wrote an article on his website, The Iconoclast, titled "AESTHETICS OF HATE: R.I.P. DIMEBAG ABBOTT, & GOOD RIDDANCE", attacking Dimebag Darrell the day he was murdered & attacking the metal community as a whole for paying homage and respect to the slain guitarist. To say that Flynn was angry at Grim is an understatement, but you can't blame him. Flynn looked up to Dimebag as countless metalheads did and continue to do so even in his death. 

And like that. it's all done here. 

That was my list, what are your top 10?



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