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Saturday 19 December 2015

Revisiting My First Blog (2010 Gaming must have's 2011)


I thought it would be interesting to have a look back at my very first blog on this day 5 years ago.

Wow why is it all random yellow bright background on this text? How mad and off putting!

Batman Arkham City - I thought was a let down from Arkham Asylum, truthfully i still aint completed it.

Dead Space 2 - I have only just recently got it but i did play it and watch friends play it when it was out and yes it was scary.

Crisis 2 - Was ok really. Thing is with that series everyone loves it as it has the best graphics on pc really.

LBP2 - Great fun game that i am still stuck on the last level and i cant even go online with it as the updates do not download and install on my ps3 so thats buggered :(

Gears 3 - I recently replayed and its my least fave game in the series. I am counting 1 - 3 and not judgement although judgement was ok it was just that it should be left on its own out of the series like gears 4. Gears 3 has some great moments but the lambents got overused and when you did encounter locusts it was a much better game i loved.

Duke Nukem Forever - 13 years of waiting for a game you have to love but hate because it was terrible but playable. Funny yet cringey.

BulletStorm - Could'nt get into
Fear 3 - Yeah it was pretty good
Warhammer Space Marine - I have bought but not played it but have watched friends play. seems ok.
Tomb Raider - I recently got it free from xbox live and my god what a game, not beat it yet but i will.
Tekken Tag 2 - Not played and tbh i didnt care for it either.
Aliens: Colonial Marines - so bad yet playable
COD MW3 - Not played it
AC: R - Never played
TNA 2011 - No console game was released that year sadly.
WWE SVR 2012 - Good game.


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