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Tuesday 18 August 2015

Random Ramblin's - Part 10 - Embarrassing Mistakes

Hello errr i mean alri? Can i stop now :P

I often think back remember my mistakes and embarrassing moments sometimes normally straight after i done them or when depressed or it will just come flying outta nowhere rko me and get me annoyed at myself and cringe. I thought maybe if I get some out of my head and onto this white canvas of which I type on I could perhaps laugh about them and get over them but who knows at least maybe I can give you the reader something to read and something we can all relate with and laugh at. Who knows but i shall list some.

The "age old" Push Pull door - We have surely all done this one right? The door says push but you pull and the door says pull but you push. Oh god haha looks like i made a prat of myself. Sure its nothing too bad of an embarrassment because its actually funny aswell unless your having a bad day because thats when pull becomes punch and push becomes kick ahahaha

Booger - Yes as ever another one which we have surely all done is picked our nose at some point and no doubt most or all have been caught by someone and its just made awkward and embarrassing then. Finger up the nose but i was doing maintenance nothing more seriously! XD

Ripped Trousers - So your playing football and you fall or you just fall when you were doing nothing and all of a sudden your trousers rips from your thighs area to your bits and bobs luckily you did not go commando but its still an embarrassment. It has happened to me a lot of times haha worse is when i was in secondary school and i went to my receptionist in school and yes thighs to my bits all ripped all the material of the trousers flying about and my skin was on show and i was cold and no my bits were not on show i was not going commando as i just said so calm down girl ;P Yes so then i had to phone home to get new trousers dropped off to me problem was solved you know but split trousers is always annoying its as if well it feels like everyone has eyes like a hawk like you imagine everyone seeing the rip from miles off and seeing much more of you than you wanted to haha but there we go.

Checking yourself out in random reflective surfaces - Oh you vain mother fudger yes why yes i haha am. Done this several times oh do i have any sauce on my face hmm nope nope i cant see any and some person always pops up outta nowhere like "what are you err doing?" its like oh shit sorry just checking something. Worse bit i have experienced it was when i was 12 and i was in my dads car we had come back from somewhere and we stopped for petrol and so he fueled up and i was in the passenger seat and yeah i was bored and i was checking my face i had some acne so i started squeezing some spots and then i was making faces for entertainment and i looked to my left and seen a guy and girl in the car looking at me laughing which i just slid down my seat in embarrassment like oh god why nope im leaving haha

Lost in music - Headphones in music blasting and no one is around i suppose i will sing maybe quietly too and oh shit everyones looking at me i better stop. God how embarrassing done this on trains and busses mostly haha. One time i was waiting for a bus and i was lost in a world of music from andrew wk and some guy came from nowhere and tapped me on the shoulder i jumped a mile pulled my ear phones out and the guy said "scuse me have you got the time?" i said yeah "10 past 8." and he said thanks and walked off. He must have hated my singing damn.

Towel Drop - Ah what a nice shower that was i feel so refreshed now to tie this round me and go to change back to normal clothes and woosh well shit oh shit fuck shit fucking faaaaack! quickly pick up the towel faster than the flash because you know no one deserves to see your perfect body unless they pay so yeah take that people. 

It was supposed to be quiet - Farting is natural and oi stop giggling so you know when you need to do it you got to right? So one day in school years back now my friend Tom he was known for belting out some loud and funny fart sounds and yeah one day when all was quiet i let one rip with the confidence it would be a nice quiet one and nope it was not and thats when people looked at me and i said "it was not was gas i have no control of which i can not see besides its normal! ah fuck you" and hid in my text book.

Roundhouse Fail - So another school story and well this one embarrassed me for a while. I hated this one guy in school and i think i said i can do a roundhouse kick watch now and i thought haha i will kick the prat in the face while doing it and well he mooved and i botched the move and went flat on my back into a metal fence which also toppled over and it drew a lot of attention to me and thats when i was on the floor like ow fuck because it hurt but i also was like oh jesus what am i doing why am i such an idiot and loads were laughing even days after it happened which you know i just stuck my head in more textbooks haha.
Stumbling down - Ok so its embarrassing and annoying i find when i stumble my words. Thats basically that haha.

The Matt Hardy finger sign - So i thought it would be a great idea being a wrestling fan and all to take a selfie while walking home from school and i did matt hardys hand sign you know it looks like 2 in the pink 1 in the stink hand gesture but there we go i did that and people just commented 2 in pink 1 in stink huh scott? and i was like ah god wtf did i do why did i upload this and become so embarrassed of that i still am at times haha.

Was i still drunk? - So i went out one day like day after the previous night i was out til 3am drinking and having a laugh out with my brother and his friends in the clubs and pubs and the next day as i was saying, i went out with 2 of my friends to town and they complained about me being really loud some reason and i was there like wow what oh god really i said i think i maybe still drunk from last night as i went out and had a bit much to drink and so yeah and they said well ok but tone it down man your too loud. Haha yeah that was odd.

My car vs the steep hill to merthyr - So i rarely go up the hill to merthyr from llywdcoed but i did like last month now and yeah my car was really struggling and i had a big que of cars behind me it made me annoyed and embarrassed my car crawling up and everyone just like "*sigh* fucking hell move it" and i am here like i cant its dying bro! Ah god damn it car!

Trying to think of other stuff now hmmmm im gonna take a break and think hahaha

Back from my break its been 2 weeks since i first started writing this and well i cant think of anymore right now and besides that i am drunk right now so. 


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