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Thursday 24 September 2015

Random Ramblin's - Part 15 - New car smell/Thinking of the end?

Hola Helo Alri!? If you answered any of these with hello or yes back then your alright with me haha

So what is up? How are you? Doing good? Cool. Not doing good? Chin up buddy things will get better think of yourself as an arrow your just getting pulled back and waiting to be released to go into something better eh?

So so so wah! I dont even know what to say or type but yeah i will get something out of this noggin of mine.

New Car - Yes i finally got a new car its pretty nice and sadly i have not driven it yet all i have done is sit inside it haha its bigger and a year newer than my current car with the engine being 1 bit less than my old car but thats besides the point.

Quick Movie Review****************************************************************

Legend (2015) - Good film based on the Kray twins with Tom Hardy playing both brothers it has some inaccuracies and is more comical and entertaining than the 90s drama on the krays but it primarily follows Francis and the hardys oops i mean krays and nothing more really but new to the krays or not you will enjoy the film. 7/10

The Krays (90s) - Kemp twins become the Krays primarily following the mother violet aswell as the krays this has more accurate of the story and if you compare it to the 2015 legend remake you will see so many differences its hard to believe you are watching the same film more or less anyway. 6/10

Why is legend better than the krays if it has inaccuracies? Because i found Legend more entertaining and i watched it first and it was my first experience of the twins overall.

thats it for this week thing************************************************************

I almost came close to unfriending a person on facebook for posting she was enjoying herself in uni reading the bible while listening to classic fm. I know what blasphemy XD

I am thinking of quitting youtube......yes its true after 6 years doing it i may leave the site....or just stop making videos. Here is what i wrote on my facebook page but i took it down recently because i thought i should consider it more but anyway here i am just thinking out loud about it all:
 Ok so my mind is pretty set on a few videos that i majorly want to do and then i may consider finishing youtube. I am just feeling like i am being beaten by youtube a lot of the time you know back in the day youtube was "oh you using a copyright piece of song or vid? That's cool bro like emoticon" now its like "oi we do not approve your usage of this no matter how warped reversed and grainy you have made it" its not fair. I am totally split at the moment i guess i do not want to close my account down when i have done those few videos because memories and just there's videos i made that still make me laugh today and you know for family and friends to see them and them be reacting in whatever way they want to react is nice too. I do not really care if i get 3 views or 10 views i do youtube because i enjoy it,its fun to do and to just make videos have a laugh with friends or talk and rant or game or some stupid shit is a whole lotta fun that i still love to do. I shall admit that i have had plans to make a new separate channel with James too and which that will contain anything with us in and be linked to our cosplay page on facebook and stuff too you know. At the moment i got a lot on my mind with the less time i got to film and make videos i just find it hard to create something or to get time to film anything even when i have a day off. It does not help when i do make a video that it gets blocked or something when loads have the same things posted that their content is not blocked or anything but mine is? It makes no sense to me. I do not find it healthy either to be jealous of other youtubers that are smaller than me who have not long started are getting everything but i aint and that thinking is wrong i should be so supportive but i aint its not fair to me or them. It is also not good with the way my head is at the moment i have had some bad news recently relating to a family member and thats just brought my mood way down. I wont get into too much more but i got a plan of about well a page full of video ideas i want to do and like i said 3 are big main ones and others are fillers and yeah i guess i am gonna concentrate on getting more time off and to myself to get things back in order but at the moment this is how things are. My friends are mostly moving off in their separate ways which sucks but its life and i can not sadly make videos with them as much anymore. I know and have been told many times "oh get a capcard/gaming pc/screen cap software and better camera" yes yes yes i have had a capcard it was not compatible with my tv so. I do not want a gaming pc. I have had screen cap software on my laptop but it was rubbish. I have a good enough camcorder honestly it goes to 1080hp its hd and everything. I am also not a gaming channel i am more of a jack of all trades channel i have done basically every single youtube video genre well except the vehicle genre. I have written this days before you see it now but it may get deleted or may not depends how i am and if i change my mind. Have a good day.

On that note i shall be seeing you in the next bloog me droog.

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